▶ Which countries in the world celebrated Labor Day 2024 on May 1 | Labor Day | MIX

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Today, Wednesday, May 1, 2024, is a long-awaited day as it commemorates the o Worker’s Day, a day in which the fight of employees for respect for their labor rights is recognized. But not all countries celebrate the same day, countries like the United States and Canada celebrate the so-called Labor Day, the first Monday in September.

In 1886, factory workers in the United States demanded fairer work days, since they worked 12 and 18 hours. The fight for the eight-hour workday was led by the American Federation of Labor with the slogan “Eight hours of work, eight hours of leisure and eight hours of rest” was becoming stronger in the streets. It would not be until three years later when the Socialist Workers’ Congress of the Second International declared May 1st as Labor Day to demand labor rights and the eight-hour day.

When is Labor Day celebrated in Mexico?

In , commemorates the labor struggle since 1913 in the government of Álvaro Obregón. However, it was not until 1925 when May 1 was officially established with celebrations and mobilizations in different states of the Republic, with the aim of making visible the lack of rights for workers.

When is Labor Day celebrated in the United States?

Known as Labor Day, it is celebrated on the first Monday in September. Its origin in a parade held in New York on September 5, 1882 organized by the Noble Order of the Knights of Labor. This date is also used in Puerto Rico and Canada to celebrate Labor Day.

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When is Labor Day celebrated in Spain?

In Spain, May 1, Workers’ Day, is celebrated with great enthusiasm. It is a holiday throughout the country, giving workers and families the opportunity to reflect on the importance of labor achievements and the struggles still pending.

However, the festivities are not uniform in all regions. The Community of Madrid distinguishes itself by adding two more holidays to the May calendar: May 2, Community of Madrid Day, and May 3, creating a four-day long weekend. This allows many workers to enjoy a well-deserved rest, especially during this period.

This initiative is joined by other regions such as Asturias, Cantabria and Navarra, where May 2 and 3 are also non-school days. This provides students and families with a longer vacation period, encouraging rest and enjoyment on these important dates.

When is Labor Day celebrated in Japan?

Labor Day in Japan, celebrated every November 23 instead of May 1 as in other countries, is a national holiday that commemorates labor and expresses gratitude to the country’s workers. Its origins date back to the time of Asuka (6th and 7th centuries), when it was celebrated as a harvest festival, known as Niinamesai. At this festival, the people, mainly farmers, thanked the kami (Shinto deities) for the abundance of rice and other products. The emperor presided over the ceremony, offering new rice to the gods before tasting it. This tradition lasted until World War II.

Following Japan’s surrender in 1945, the American occupation ended the imperial nature of the Niinamesai, considering it an expression of Shinto influence. In 1948, Labor Day (Kinro Kansha no Hi) was established, inspired by the Thanksgiving and Labor Day holidays in the United States. This new celebration honored work in general, no longer just agricultural work, and included all sectors, from service industries to research.

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When is Labor Day celebrated in Colombia?

Labor Day in Colombia, also known as International Workers’ Day or May Day, is celebrated every first day of the fifth month of the year. It is a national holiday that honors the labor movement and the rights of workers throughout the South American country.

When is Labor Day celebrated in the Dominican Republic?

As in the rest of the countries, Labor Day in the Dominican Republic, also known as International Workers’ Day or May Day, is celebrated every first day of the fifth month of the year. For this year, the Dominican Ministry of Labor reiterated to the entire business and worker community of the Central American country that this date is a working date and the holiday was changed to Monday, April 29. The working class had to return to their daily work on Tuesday, April 30, as established by Law 139-97, taking into account the application of holidays.

When is Labor Day celebrated in Canada?

Canada is another country in which International Workers’ Day is not celebrated on May 1 but on the first Monday in September. This holiday, known as Labor Day, commemorates the beginning of organized labor and has been celebrated since 1872 and the festivities include parades and picnics. This date also serves to celebrate the start of the Canadian school year.

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