🟡​ Yellow alert for rain for Buenos Aires and six other provinces for today, Saturday, April 13

#Yellow #alert #rain #Buenos #Aires #provinces #today #Saturday #April

He National Meteorological Service (SMN) issued a yellow alert for rain for Buenos Aires (includes CABA), Córdoba, La Pampa, Mendoza, San Juan and San Luis. The area will be affected by persistent rains of varying intensity, some of which may be locally strong. Accumulated precipitation values ​​between 20 and 50 mm are expected, which could be exceeded locally.

In addition, an orange alert for rain is in effect for the west of Buenos Aires; center and north of La Pampa; South St. Louis; south of Córdoba and south of Mendoza. The area will be affected by rains of varying intensity, without ruling out some strong periods. Accumulated precipitation values ​​between 50 and 80 mm are expected, which could be exceeded locally.

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Map of the rain alert for today, Saturday, April 13

Rain alerts (Photo: SMN).

The SMN also issued a yellow alert for snowfall and strong winds for the northwest of Mendoza; west of San Juan and west of La Rioja. The area will be affected by snowfall, some of which may be locally heavy. Accumulated snow values ​​between 20 and 50 cm are expected, which may be exceeded locally. The highest values ​​are expected in the highest areas.

Snowfall alert map for today, Saturday, April 13

Yellow alert for snowfall (Photo: SMN).

What will the weather be like in AMBA?

During the early morning the temperature will reach 18°C ​​and there will be isolated rains with winds that will blow from the eastern sector at speeds between 23 and 31 km/h. Gusts between 42 and 50 kilometers per hour are expected.

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Isolated rain will continue in the morning and the temperature will be around 19°C, with winds that will continue to blow from the east at the same speeds. There will be wind gusts that will be between 51 and 59 kilometers per hour.

Rain is expected throughout Saturday in AMBA. (Photo: NA)

Towards the afternoon, the maximum will reach 20°C. Isolated rains will continue to predominate the sky and the winds will blow from the east at speeds between 23 and 31 km/h. Wind gusts will continue to increase, reaching speeds between 60 and 69 kilometers per hour.

The night will experience a slight drop in temperature, reaching 19°C. Heavy rains are expected and the winds will continue to blow in the same direction although at speeds between 42 and 50 km/h. Wind gusts will reach speeds between 60 and 69 kilometers per hour.

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