2 million bottles of water withdrawn: check immediately if you purchased it | It’s contaminated

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Water bottles – Depositphotos – Laterradelgusto.it

Mineral water is a very precious commodity for our health, but it is not immune to contamination. It is therefore good to maintain very high attention.

Drink a lot of water it is often recommended to us by medical experts and nutritionists, in order to stay always hydrated. Our body, as many already know, is made up of a very high percentage of water. Therefore it is essential, as mentioned above, that it remains hydrated to the max.

Per wateressential for our body to carry out its regular functions and which, as we often hear, purify the bodywe really mean water in the true sense of the term, therefore smooth e not carbonated. Furthermore in theory, especially if our aim is to deflate us e lose weight, very forbidden it’s sodas.

We could also say the same thing for i fruit juices. It would always be better to consume homemade ones, through simple presses or centrifuges, if we have the appropriate machinery. However we usually speak of a simple accessory of our canon multipurpose blender. Possibly not. returning to juices, to industrial ones, which are generally rich in added sugars.

Water and its inevitable presence in our nutrition

As already mentioned, it is very important that our body stay properly hydrated. Otherwise we can talk dehydration and it becomes very dangerous for our health. A diatribe that has raged for a long time also concerns the inequality between bottled water and tap waterwhere several fronts were deployed.

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In fact, there are those who say that tap water is there better, as well as those who support the exact opposite. However, as of now there are still no concrete rumors that have decreed who it is 100% right. In any case, it now seems that the finger has been pointed at a particular brand of bottled water. The latter was forced to mass destruction. What is it about?

Perrier – Depositphotos – Laterradelgusto.it

Perrier forced to dismantle 2 million bottles

We are talking about a well-known and renowned bottled water produced in France, which has now found itself dealing with strong contamination by Escherichia Coli. It is a very dangerous bacterium, which would have thrown into panic very numerous consumers. One of the wells, specifically the plant of Vergèze In the Gardof the plant apparently presents contamination from March 10, 2024 to date.

They were completely precautionary As many as 2 million bottles destroyed and the company has decreed that those still on the market have been strictly checked, in order to ensure that they are in a condition to be able to be consumed safely. However, further operations in this direction are currently underway, but in any case it is always recommended maximum caution.

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