3 million heads of sheep and goats prepared for slaughter

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Sheep and goats prepared for slaughter on the occasion of Eid al-Adha 1445/2024 reach 3 million heads, identified from March 8, indicated Monday in the House of Representatives, the Minister of Agriculture, Maritime Fisheries, Rural Development and Water and Forests, Mohamed Sadiki.

In response to two oral questions which related to the same subject, namely the supply of livestock intended for slaughter for Eid al-Adha, Mr. Sadiki reported the launch, since November 2023, of a preparation program for Eid al-Adha including several measures, including a precise assessment of forecasts of supply and demand for heads intended for slaughter, in coordination with professionals, as well as the registration of 214,000 breeding units and fattening of sheep and goats intended for Eid.

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On the health side, the minister stressed that the current state of health of the livestock is good and that several measures have been taken concerning health surveillance and the protection of the livestock against infectious diseases, the control of animal feed, veterinary medicines. used and water intended for drinking, as well as the transport of poultry droppings via the establishment of prior authorization and the issuance of a permit.

And to continue that the measures taken as part of the preparations for Eid al-Adha relate to the creation and development of 34 temporary markets to strengthen existing markets, the temporary and exceptional authorization of imports to increase supply in livestock intended for Eid al-Adha and contribute to the preservation of the national livestock, as well as the reduction of import costs and the stabilization of prices.

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Mr. Sadiki also recalled the measures relating to imports, such as the granting of a subsidy on the importation of sheep intended for slaughter in the amount of 500 dirhams per head, from March 15, 2024 until to June 15, 2024, in addition to the exemption from import duty and value added tax on imports applicable to sheep.

With MAP

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