4 Effective Tips for Successful Breastfeeding in the First 1,000 Days of a Child’s Life

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The early period of your little one’s life is a crucial moment for their growth and development in the future. This period is also called the golden period because it can have a permanent impact if there are obstacles during this period, Mother.

So that children can become the next generation of the nation who are intelligent and healthy, it is important for mothers to know more about the first 1,000 days of life so they can prepare the best for their little ones.

Get to know 1,000 HKP

Maybe you have heard the term first 1,000 days of life (HKP) before. Even though it is still in the womb, it turns out that a fetus that is 280 days old can be considered alive, you know. The period of fetal life from that age until birth is also known as the 1,000 HPK period or the first day of life.

The first 1,000 days of life will last until the child is 2 years old, Mother. Therefore, it is important for mothers to find out as much information as possible and maintain a healthy lifestyle so that their children can grow and develop well.

Doing 1,000 HKP can also help children not experience it stunting son, Bunda. Stunting itself is a condition where children experience problems with their development due to inadequate nutrition, such as a height that is much different from children their age. Therefore, one of the things that is essential during this period is the nutrition that your little one gets.

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If you do not provide for your child’s needs well during this golden period, there will be irreversible impacts in the future. Even though it doesn’t appear immediately, this impact will be visible as the child gets older.

Not just experiencing stuntingchildren who are not well cared for in the first 1,000 days of life can have intelligence quotient (IQ) which is below average. It is possible that these children also tend to get sick more often than children who are growing well.

So, it is clear that children whose needs are not met in the first 1,000 days of life will experience problems with both their physical and intellectual abilities.

As has been said before, one of the things you need to do at this time is provide good nutrition. Mothers can of course give this through breast milk. So, what steps should mothers take when breastfeeding? Here are the details.

Illustration of a Breastfeeding Mother/ Photo: iStockphoto/Getty Images/GOLFX

Tips for breastfeeding at 1,000 HPK

1. Perform IMD

After giving birth, it is important for mothers to carry out IMD or Early Breastfeeding Initiation with their little one. IMD can also be said to be the moment when mother and child will have skin-to-skin contact.

“As soon as the baby is born, the baby is immediately placed on the mother’s chest for 60 minutes. At least 1 hour for him to look for his mother’s nipples. “Well, the real target there is not that he is good at sucking milk, but that he has skin-to-skin contact,” explained Dr. Runi Deasiyanti, Sp.A, pediatrician at the First Care clinic at the event Accompanying Mothers and Children on the First 1,000 Days of Life on Tuesday, (2/4/2024).

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There are various benefits of doing IMD for mothers, including strengthening the bond between mother and child, increasing the success rate of breastfeeding in the future, making the baby’s temperature stable, and stabilizing the baby’s heart rate.

Not only that, the moment when you do IMD can also make your baby get their ‘first vaccination.’ “So by licking around the nipple, he has got the good bacteria around the mother’s nipple, so it’s like the first vaccination,” added Dr. Runi.

When the baby licks the nipple, the mother also gets the benefit of preventing the risk of bleeding. Because, stimulation of the nipples will stimulate the hormone oxytocin which works to contract the uterus and release breast milk.

After the mother has done IMD after giving birth, her little one needs to be given exclusive breast milk from the age of 0 to 6 months. There is no need to give additional food, breast milk can fulfill 100 percent of your child’s nutritional needs, Mother.

Apart from IMD, what other methods can mothers who are breastfeeding do? Come on, find out the answer on the next page.

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