A body found on the railway track near Alès: an investigation opened after this macabre discovery

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This morning, a body was discovered on the railway tracks in Saint-Hilaire-de-Brethmas near Alès. Traffic is suspended until further notice.

This Friday, March 29, the body of a man was found on the train tracks in Saint-Hilaire-de-Brethmas, just outside Alès. The police, firefighters, Smur, and SNCF services are on site to make findings, and begin an investigation into the circumstances of the death.

The preferred suicide trail

According to initial information, it could be a suicide, although the investigation at this stage has not ruled out any hypothesis. The accident occurred around 8:30 this morning and, according to eyewitnesses on board the train that hit the individual, the man deliberately jumped onto the track.

The Alès public prosecutor’s office, through its prosecutor Abdelkrim Grini, informs that it has opened an investigation to find the exact causes of the death. An autopsy of the body is to be conducted.

Disrupted traffic

For the moment, rail traffic is interrupted for an indefinite period, but should resume by the end of the morning, according to information from SNCF. Trains are currently at a standstill, but passengers on stranded trains are expected to be evacuated by buses. According to SNCF, traffic should resume in the middle of the day.

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