A Russian fighter jet so armed was found for the primary time. This fighter has some significantly highly effective weapons.

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The Su-30SM2 is just not a revolution in itself. This is as a result of, just like the Su-35S, it’s an evolution of the Su-27 fighter jet that flew within the late Nineteen Seventies. In this case, we’re speaking a few twin-engine single-seat plane weighing greater than 18 tons (takeoff weight), which is primarily aimed toward air superiority, however can be able to attacking floor targets. In addition to the GSh-30-1 30mm cannon, the plane has 12 weapon mounting factors.

Much extra fascinating is his. rocket The R-37M proven within the video above is a really long-range weapon designed to fight AWACS sort plane.

Russia has been utilizing the R-37M missile since 2019, which is an improved model of the R-33 missile used on MiG-31 interceptors. The fundamental change is the usage of an energetic radar warhead, so the missile operates in a “hearth and neglect” mode.

This improved the effectiveness of the missile and allowed it to be mounted on smaller, much less radar-equipped plane. The older R-33 missiles required the plane’s radar beam to constantly mark the goal till hit, which posed issues for plane with weak radars.

In the case of the R-37M, this drawback doesn’t exist as a result of the missile might be launched within the route of the goal and the radar on board the missile already finds the goal by itself. The key options of this missile are its huge vary, which Russia claims is as much as 400 km, and its means to succeed in speeds in extra of Mach 5 (6174 km/h).

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This permits it to interact AWACS sort plane at a distance of a number of hundred kilometers or fighter jets at a distance of greater than 100 kilometers (the extra maneuverable the goal, the shorter the intercept vary).

For this purpose, it’s a very heavy air-to-air missile, weighing about half a ton, of which solely 60 kg is used for fragmentation warheads, however it’s completely appropriate for flying targets, writes Wirtualna Polska.

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