Agadir: abortion of an attempt at international trafficking of more than 10 tonnes of Chira

#Agadir #abortion #attempt #international #trafficking #tonnes #Chira

On the basis of precise information provided by the General Directorate of National Territorial Surveillance (DGST), police elements in Agadir, in cooperation and coordination with the services of the Royal Navy and the Royal Gendarmerie, managed to intercept a fishing boat and foil an attempt to smuggle nearly 10,542 tonnes of Chira internationally.

According to a press release from the Pole of the General Directorate of National Security (DGSN) and the DGST, the research and investigations carried out in the light of precise information provided by the DGST made it possible to intercept, this Sunday, the fishing boat leading the international drug trafficking operation, seizing 10 tons and 542 kilograms of Chira and arresting thirteen sailors for their alleged involvement in this criminal activity.

The competent public prosecutor’s office has instructed the Central Bureau of Judicial Investigation (BCIJ) under the DGST to investigate this matter in order to reveal the international and national ramifications of this criminal activity and determine any possible links with other active international networks. in international drug and narcotics trafficking, the press release specifies.

This qualitative operation is part of the ongoing efforts in which all national security services are participating to effectively combat international drug trafficking networks.

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