Al Jazeera calls the closure of its offices in Israel a “criminal act”

#Jazeera #calls #closure #offices #Israel #criminal #act

The Qatari news network Al Jazeera This Sunday, he described as a “criminal act” the measure approved by the Government of Israel of close the broadcast and the channel’s offices in the country.

“The government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu decided, in a step full of deceit, to unanimously ratify the order to close the offices of Al Jazeera (…) “We condemn and denounce this Israeli criminal act, which violates the human rights of access to information.”the network said in a statement.

Israeli authorities withdrew accreditations from the channel’s staff, blocked its websites and banned the broadcast of its content through media providers.

Al Jazeera accuses Israel of trying to cover up its crimes

Al Jazeera described it as “ironic” that this measure was approved just two days after World Press Freedom Day “without taking into account the universally recognized foundations of freedom of expression.”

Despite the closure, the Qatari chain confirmed its commitment to continue providing its services around the world and challenge the “repression against the free press by Israel with the aim of covering up its crimes of murder and arrest of journalists”.

In this sense, they recalled that “more than 140 Palestinian journalists” have died while carrying out their work since the start of the war in the Gaza Strip on October 7, while the editor-in-chief of Al Jazeera in Jerusalem, Walid Omarystated that there has been “more than 50 attacks” against channel journalists since then.

Al Jazeera will turn to international organizations

Given the closure of its offices, Al Jazeera assured that will take all available legal action through international institutions to protect both the rights of the company and its journalists, “as well as the audience’s right to information.”

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The Israeli Government took this measure after Parliament approved a law last month that allows the closure of foreign media, while Netanyahu affirmed that the outlet’s journalists “have damaged Israel’s security and incited against Army soldiers.”.

Al Jazeera is one of the channels with the greatest deployment of journalists in the Strip, and since October has reported bombings of hospitals, attacks on residential buildings and the deaths of unarmed Gazans.

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