Almost all faction leaders sign a statement against hatred of Jews | RTL News

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The reason was the disruption of a performance by singer Lenny Kuhr last Sunday. “This is not demonstrating, this is intimidating. That has to stop. And now,” write the leaders of the factions of ChristenUnie, VVD, BBB, GroenLinks-PvdA, D66, CDA, NSC, SGP, Volt, JA21, PvdD, SP and the PVV.

“Let no one remain silent anymore, stop anti-Semitism now, in any form: today, tomorrow and in the future,” the political leaders say in the statement. “We are standing up, can we count on you?”

The names of FVD faction leader Thierry Baudet and DENK leader Stephan van Baarle are missing from the statement. They have reportedly been approached by the other party leaders.

Passage went THINK too far

DENK tells the ANP that it ‘fully supports the fight against anti-Semitism’. The party also supports additional funding ‘for this fight’, but felt a passage in the statement went too far. “It refers to statements that are considered anti-Semitic. The question is not whether these statements are distasteful, but whether they are actually anti-Semitic,” a DENK spokesperson said.

That is why Van Baarle did not sign the statement. “We must wage a strong fight against all forms of hatred and exclusion, but it has not been proven that there is anti-Semitism here,” the spokesperson said.

FVD has not yet responded to questions about the lack of Baudet’s signature.

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