“Alonso used a dirty trick, he’s an idiot”

#Alonso #dirty #trick #hes #idiot

Fernando Alonso finished sixth in the Australian GP, ​​but a sanction surreal (20 seconds), never before applied in the history of F1, He was relegated to eighth. The stewards argued (without entirely conclusive evidence, as they said in their own ruling) that the Aston Martin driver carried out a maneuver that “could have been potentially dangerous”, when defending his position over George Russell.

The surreal sanction to Alonso in Australia

In reality, as already happened in Singapore 2023, the Mercedes driver He did not keep enough distance from the car in front (on that occasion Norris, who was not investigated), he lost the support of his car in the chicane of turns 6 and 7 and went alone against the wall, after the gravel escape, in a dramatic scene, which was precisely what gave rise to the investigation and nothing else.

And now the former Caterham driver, Giedo van der Garde (19 races and 0 points in F1) maintains that The sanction is justified and disrespects the Asturian pilot.

“I understand the sanction and “It really went too far.”, Van der Garde said in his own DRS podcast. “Was a dirty trick on Alonso’s part. You can see how much slower it was going than in the previous corner. Braking in the middle of the straight is really something prohibited,” claims the 38-year-old Dutchman, inventing that Fernando braked appreciably in the previous curve, when The telemetry denies it and the commissioners left it in writing in his opinion.

“I have a lot of respect for Alonsobut He really was an asshole. So was Russell, but a little less so,” Van der Garde then states, although it seems in a somewhat jocular and ironic tone.

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Van der Garde wonders If Mercedes is the ideal destination for Fernando, especially now that an engine has just failed in Melbourne. “We didn’t see it that bad last year. However, then they were consistent in points throughout. This year is just bad (for Mercedes), something has to start happening internally,” he says about the start of the Brackley season in 2024.

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