Apple starts the fight in the field of artificial intelligence. He bought another attractive AI company –

#Apple #starts #fight #field #artificial #intelligence #bought #attractive #company

  • Apple probably wants to have its own AI running only and only on local hardware
  • It would thus be significantly different from other AI systems that run mainly in the cloud
  • The question remains how many older iPhones could handle such a thing

Apple is significantly strengthening its capabilities in the field of generative artificial intelligence. The iPhone maker has bought DarwinAI, a startup known for its work on optimizing artificial intelligence systems to make them smaller and faster.

Will iOS 18 be an artificial intelligence operating system?

This acquisition, reported by Bloomberg, represents a major step for Apple. The company’s goal is to improve the processing of artificial intelligence, which could run directly on the device, possibly already in the upcoming iOS 18 update.

Recognized for its artificial intelligence technology that facilitates visual inspection of manufacturing components, DarwinAI will now contribute its expertise to Apple’s extensive AI efforts. DarwinAI is by no means the first AI startup that ended up under the wing of the Cupertino giant.

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The integration of DarwinAI technology is expected to finally break through that imaginary dam holding Apple’s generative AI and move from cloud processing to on-device processing. This shift is not only of strategic importance to increase user privacy and processing speed, but is also important to Apple’s broader efforts to improve AI applications in its ecosystem, including optimizing manufacturing and supply chain.

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Apple is preparing the ground

As part of the acquisition, several DarwinAI employees, including lead researcher Alexander Wong, joined the AI ​​team at Apple, and Wong was set to take on the role of team director. This influx of talent underscores Apple’s efforts to develop its AI capabilities both internally and through strategic acquisitions. After all, Apple is, at least in terms of final products available to ordinary users, quite far behind with generative AI, so it will need to debut with something really distinctive.

Apple CEO Tim Cook has hinted in the past that there will be significant developments in AI this year, with new AI features expected to be announced in iOS 18 at the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) in June. Rumors suggest improvements to Siri, messaging, iWork, Apple Music and bringing AI technology to Xcode and customer service operations.

We will probably see it this year

iOS 18 is widely expected to be one of the biggest iPhone updates ever. Indeed, the “Eighteen” should, again at least according to speculation, include system-level AI in various applications, including Siri and Spotlight search.

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With this strategic acquisition of DarwinAI, Apple indicates its ambitious plans to further integrate artificial intelligence into its products. But for now, these are only business moves or speculation, so it will be extremely refreshing when iOS 18 actually gets into the hands of ordinary users. The question, however, is which older phones will support the new functions based on generative artificial intelligence at all, or if it will only be an exclusivity for the latest and most expensive models.

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Author of the article

Adam Homola

New technologies have fascinated me since an early age. Over time, my long-term interest in games and the gaming industry was naturally joined by hardware, software, internet services and, from 2022, artificial intelligence.

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