Awkward comparison causes escalation between Malou and Sarath in MAFS: ‘I’m done with it’ | RTL Boulevard

#Awkward #comparison #escalation #Malou #Sarath #MAFS #RTL #Boulevard

The turbulent marriage of Sarath (40) and Malou (34) in ‘Married at First Sight’ has its fair share of ups and downs. During an emotional conversation, Sarath makes an awkward statement, which goes wrong with Malou. Relationship coach Anne Campagne even has to be flown in to calm things down.

“You can’t fucking compare the death of your father to me”

Sarath and Malou’s marriage has been going on since the beginning Married at First Sight-adventure the necessary problems. Sarath is already on a pink cloud, while Malou is starting to distance herself more and more. After the honeymoon, Malou wants no contact with her husband for three days, so that she can let everything sink in. The couple talked about this until late at night. Sarath initially agreed, but he returns to that appointment the next morning. He believes he had no say in the decision.

Malou indicates to the camera that Sarath has risen with ‘a different energy’. Sarath continues to stand his ground: he cannot understand why Malou does not want any contact for the time being. “When I’m done with it, then I’m done with it,” Malou explains. Sarath finds this difficult to swallow.

Malou is visibly having a hard time with the situation. “I really blame myself for not having that attraction.” The fact that Sarath also blames her for this makes her even sadder.

Sarath tries to clear his mind by taking a hot shower. A somewhat stressed Malou waits in bed. She is not happy that her husband spent half an hour in the shower. “You have shown quite selfish behavior at the moment,” Malou begins her story. Sarath immediately interrupts his wife: “I also needed to clear my head.”

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“That’s not what it’s about at all,” Malou interrupts. Frustrations are running high again. Malou emphasizes that she thinks Sarath continues to talk too much about the situation. According to her, the agreements are clear: they will say goodbye on Sunday and then they will not see each other for three days. They will then talk to each other again at the weekend to take stock. This plan is crystal clear to Malou. “My talking is a bit broken,” she sighs.

During the conversation, Sarath said something that went down the wrong way with Malou. Sarath feels so bad about Malou’s rejection that he compares that pain to saying goodbye to his father. “You can’t compare your father’s death with me,” says Malou furiously. The blonde sighs that she is being ‘injusted’ by this statement.

Relationship coach Anne Campagne comes to the couple’s aid. Anne wonders out loud what has happened in the past 24 hours. Malou indicates that she has been honest about her feelings, she is not attracted to her husband. This has made Sarath very emotional and Malou takes over these emotions. “I am a chameleon, I go along with all the emotions that Sarath shows.”

Malou has not been disappointed by the experiment: “I don’t feel like it anymore.” With tears in her eyes she admits that she does not like the match. “Sarath is very different in the competition,” she says emotionally. According to Malou, this is the main reason why the marriage is not working. Anne tries to calm Malou down with breathing exercises. “Sarath determines the mood,” says Malou bitterly. Anne’s advice it is up to Malou to ‘stay close to herself and not let anyone else guide her’.

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Sarath heard Malou’s painful words. He is deeply touched by Malou’s emotions: “It hurts me so much.” Malou interrupts her husband. She believes that certain statements are unacceptable. “To compare your father’s death to mine, sorry Sarath,” she says, bewildered. Sarath realizes that he should not have worded it this way.

Anne sees Sarath as a broken man who is afraid of being abandoned. “He even compares saying goodbye to Malou with the death of his father,” Anne explains to the cameras. The relationship coach thinks this is ‘not healthy’. According to her, this statement makes Sarath unaware of the relationships.

Fortunately, the heavy conversation ended somewhat lightly. “What a bunch of emotional losers we are,” jokes Malou. Sarath agrees with a smile. How will this continue? You can see this every Tuesday and Wednesday Married at First Sight at 8:30 PM on RTL 4. You can watch ahead at Videoland.

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