Be very careful if you find these acronyms on foods: their meaning is very important

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A simple acronym on foods literally makes the difference: what they are and what they mean. All the news on labels.

Some acronyms, placed on food packaging, have a very specific meaning and for this reason great attention must be paid. These are not minor details, on the contrary.

The acronyms on food packaging are not to be underestimated –

In fact, the choice is not random and for this reason it is important not to leave anything to chance. Certifications are synonymous with quality, controls and attention to the food supply chain.

What labels are these and what do they mean

There are two certifications that concern the forestry supply chain: si tratta di FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) e CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). In both cases these are concepts that concern the food industry and businesses: the objective is to promote sustainability and responsibility on the commercial front.

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In the case of FSC, in fact, it is a non-profit organization that aims to safeguard forests through the responsible management of forest resources. The intention is clearly to manage the forts in a clear way and with full respect for the environment.

Another priority is certainly to preserve biodiversity and reduce environmental impact, while providing economic benefits. CSR certifies that companies must take responsibility towards shareholders, the environment and the community in which they operate. This gives space to sustainable commercial practices, with attention to the food sector.

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The objectives of the two supply chains

Certainly companies embrace CSR to build loyalty with the greatest number of customers. Supporting ethical and environmental values ​​is certainly synonymous with increasing sales and greater customer loyalty. Another aspect is the company’s reputation which translates into consumers inclined to support and help the environment in a direct and concrete way.

Environmental sustainability is another fundamental element in the food sector. The management of natural resources and the reduction of environmental impact are two predominant elements at the same time, without forgetting the commitment of employees. But financial investments also reward those companies that adopt CSR with high-value performances and great results. What is certain is that the environment is the starting point and possibly also the arrival point, but its respect remains the key principle and should not be forgotten.

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