Biden’s Support for Israel Continues to Spark Protests

#Bidens #Support #Israel #Continues #Spark #Protests

A parody statue of US President Joe Biden at one of the fallas installations, during the Fallas Festival in Valencia, eastern Spain, (16/3/2024).

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, NEW YORK — Thousands of pro-Palestinian protesters on Thursday (29/3/2024) gathered at Radio City Music Hall, New York to protest Biden’s support for Israel. This demonstration took place during an event to raise funds for the President of the United States (US), ahead of the presidential election next November.

Biden, along with former presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, who supported him, were targeted by the protesters. This event is a fund-raising event organized by the Democratic Party which aims to raise funds amounting to 25 million US dollars, or around Rp. 396.4 billion.

The demonstrators protested Israel’s continued killing of civilians in Gaza and the US’ failure to support a lasting ceasefire in the region. They chanted slogans such as “Joe’s genocide must end!” and “Free, Free Palestine.”

Many of the protesters also waved Palestinian flags and others held signs denouncing Biden and the Democratic Party as “war criminals.” Amid extraordinary security measures, they also called for an urgent ceasefire in Gaza, and urged Democratic Party voters in New York, where primaries are underway in the context of the presidential election in 2024, to protest by casting blank ballots in ballot box.

source: Antara, Anadolu

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