Bin Laden is bothered by Giovanna’s decision, and Pitel loses his patience on BBB 24

#Bin #Laden #bothered #Giovannas #decision #Pitel #loses #patience #BBB

During the BBB 24 party this Friday (15), Pitel said he has “no patience” with MC Bin Laden. In conversation with Lucas, the sister did not agree with the funk player’s discomfort in being placed in the “Mira do Líder”. The Gnomes decided to put their brother in the dynamic, thinking about a possible advantage in the game.

“He made fun of it and Fernanda said ‘it wasn’t that’. He didn’t want to accept anything. I explained ten times and he didn’t want to accept anything I said. I said ‘I’m tired, Fernanda, I can’t do it anymore’”, began the sister.

She continues: “I said ‘it wasn’t Lucas’. Lucas said it would be interesting to put one of our own because the same thing could happen [do Paredão passado]. I said Bin was the most likely’, but he didn’t want anything after ‘Lucas’”.

Lucas adds: “He also said ‘I was shocked that I’m everyone’s first choice in the room’. I said ‘bro, it’s not my first option’.”

The social worker points out that the funk player is not even Fernanda’s first option.

“This game is very comfortable. There will come a time, much faster than we think, when we will have to vote among ourselves. There really won’t be anything to do. He listens as much as he wants and I I no longer have patience”, says Pitel.

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