BYD’s new hybrid promises record mileage

#BYDs #hybrid #promises #record #mileage

Cars with the updated DM-i system will travel 2,000 km

The Chinese manufacturer BYD is starting to update all its platforms – both for plug-in models and for electric cars.

In the first group falls the DM (Dual Mode) system, divided into two subcategories – DM-p, which is performance-oriented, and DM-i, whose focus is on reducing fuel consumption. It is the latter that will undergo the most interesting update, receiving a record combined mileage (gasoline + electricity) – about 2000 km.

According to the information, the fifth generation of the DM system, first presented in 2008 and evolved over the years, will allow a consumption of 2.9 l/100 km (according to the Chinese homologation cycle, which differs from the European WLTP). This is how a mileage of 2000 km will be achieved with a full tank and 100% charged batteries.

The hybrid BYD Seal U DM-i currently promises between 100 and 150 km of range in electric mode, depending on the battery chosen. Of the Chinese rivals, SAIC’s WuLing XingGuang (plug-in sedan) has a total range of 1,100 km, while the Geely Galaxy L6 (also a sedan) claims 1,370 km that can be driven.

The electric car platform – called the e-Platform – is also due to be updated from the current generation 3.0 to 4.0 as early as 2024. This will save additional weight thanks to the reduction of cables and the integration of various components, so as to free up space and additionally lower the price.

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