Candidate Korčok and Soros. Proof of encounter and commendation

#Candidate #Korčok #Soros #Proof #encounter #commendation


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Korčok likes to joke about the support from Soros himself, and he did not forget to mention the name of the American billionaire with Hungarian roots even during his pre-election meetings. “Someone once told me that my problem is that I look like an American agent,” he joked, for example, in the first half of March in Bratislava, reacting to the fact that it was supposed to spread in Slovakia that he was an American agent and was paid by George Soros.

Just Soros’s name sounds in accordance with the fact that the Slovak ex-minister of foreign affairs and the winner of the first round of the presidential election Korčok was supposed to meet him in 2017 in New York during the UN General Assembly. A program is also spreading, where Korčok’s name is actually mentioned, saying that he was supposed to accompany the then Slovak president Andrej Kiska during his meeting with Soros.

However, Korčok already emphasized in March 2018 that in the end neither he nor anyone else from the Slovak delegation ever accompanied the president to the well-known financier.

Photogallery: – Freedom of expression awards

The fact that Korčok was not really present at Kiska’s meeting with Soros was confirmed, among other things, by the words of the current Prime Minister Robert Fico, who confirmed that no one was present at the next meeting. “I am asking the president to answer what the meeting was about, at which Kiska did not have any representative of the Slovak Ministry of Foreign Affairs with him,” he said a few months later according to the server Fico and confirmed that, according to his information, Korčok and Soros did not meet.

In March 2018, then and now Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico spoke about Kiska’s meeting with financier George Soros in connection with the situation after the murder of journalist Ján Kuciak and his fiancee, when Kiska spoke out for early elections.

“The events that happened after the murder have some handwriting,” Fico said. “I want to ask Mr. President a simple question today – September 20, 2017, Fifth Avenue, New York. I wonder why the head of state went privately to a person who has a very dubious name? That person is Mr. Soros,” came from Fico during the press conference and emphasized to journalists that, according to Fico, no one from diplomacy was present at the meeting.

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Photogallery: – Orbán, Fico, Zeman

At the time, Korčok confirmed Fico’s information that he had not met Soros. He noted that he was repeatedly confronted with questions from journalists on the same topic: “Whether I attended the meeting of President Kiska with G. Soros in New York and whether I will comment on the alleged coup with George Soros at the helm.”

“My answer sent to the media is as follows: regarding the meeting of President Kiska with George Soros last September in New York, I can confirm that neither I nor anyone from the delegation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic participated. At the same time, my personal opinion is that the political development in Slovakia is not influenced in any way from abroad,” said Korčok.

Kisk’s spokesman Roman Krpelan, however, despite this statement by Prime Minister Fico and Korčok, who was state secretary at the Slovak Ministry of Foreign Affairs between 2015 and 2018, he was behind itthat a representative of the Department of Diplomacy was present at the meeting of the President with Soros on September 20, 2017 in New York.

Photogallery: – Slovak views

According to Kiska, the meeting at that time concerned the Slovak Roma. According to him, Soros “initiated it based on a headline in the New York Times, which wrote about the success of the Roma in Spišské Hrhov.” “His foundation has been dealing with Roma issues for many years,” he noted and the claim that the meeting concerned the Roma was also later published by Soros’ spokesman Michael Vachon for “Mr. Soros does not play any role in the recent speech of President Kiska or in the recent demonstrations in Slovakia,” he assured at the time, saying that the main topic discussed was how to help integrate the Roma community in Slovakia.

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Korčok, who started in diplomacy in the 1990s after the division of Czechoslovakia as a secretary to the ambassador in Bonn, Germany, moved in diplomacy for a large part of his career. In 1996 and 1997 he was the press spokesman of the Slovak Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in 1998–1999 he worked as chargé d’affaires at the Slovak embassy in Switzerland, and in 1999–2001 he was a representative of the Slovak mission to NATO.

He also obtained an important position connected with NATO in 2003, when he was the head of the delegation for the accession negotiations of Slovakia to NATO. Between 2005 and 2009, he worked as an ambassador to Germany, and subsequently, between 2009 and 2015, he was the permanent representative of Slovakia to the European Union.

Photogallery: – Fico at Zeman

Between 2015 and 2017, during the second government of Prime Minister Robert Fico, he became the representative of the Slovak government for the Slovak presidency of the Council of the EU. Between 2015 and 2018, he was also State Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Affairs.

From September 2018 to March 2020, Korčok served as the Slovak ambassador to the United States, and between April 2020 and September 2022 he was the foreign minister in the government of Prime Minister Igor Matovič and later Eduard Heger. He was then appointed to this position as a nominee of the Freedom and Solidarity party.

And it was during his ministerial period that Korčok actually met with Soros. However, it was not directly about George Soros, but about his son Alexander Soros, who received the Open Society Foundations (OSF) from his father last year. At the time of the meeting with Korčok, Alexander Soros was its vice president.

Photogallery: – In support of Soros University

Korčok made no secret of the meeting. He stated that the meeting took place in Alpbach, Austria, where he was invited by the minister there, Alexander Schallenberg, where, according to him, the future of Europe was discussed.

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“The future of all of us depends on whether we can help Ukraine in its struggle for survival. So far, we have passed this historic test. The fact that we have been able to respond with unity and solidarity strengthens Europe’s geopolitical position and gives us hope in restoring the international order that we have built over decades to maintain peace and prosperity. The European Union responded to Russian aggression with sanctions against Russia and unprecedented financial support for Ukraine and the member states that help it,” Korčok noted at the time.

“In order not to develop conspiracy theories, as we have witnessed in the past, I also inform very transparently about my meeting with Alexander Soros, the vice-president of the Open Society Foundations, with whom I discussed the activities of this organization in support of the integration of the Western Balkans into the EU and I appreciated his activity in building civil society as the basis of liberal democracy,” informed the Slovak presidential candidate.

  • Pirates
  • foreign minister

Meeting in Austrian Alpbach with Alexander Soros was present also Czech Foreign Minister Jan Lipavský (Pirates). With their counterparts from the countries of the so-called Slavkov format, which consists of the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Austria, and Alexander Soros, they discussed issues related to Russian aggression in Ukraine, the role of the EU in the world, visa policy, relations with Russia, Ukraine, the USA, China and the countries of the Western Balkans.

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author: Radek Kotas

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