Ceasefire talks between Hamas and Israel in Cairo ended without a result

#Ceasefire #talks #Hamas #Israel #Cairo #ended #result

Ceasefire negotiations between the radical Palestinian movement Hamas and Israel ended in Cairo on Sunday. The head of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), William Burns, then traveled to Doha for an emergency meeting with the Qatari prime minister, aimed at putting maximum pressure on Israel and Hamas to continue negotiations. This was reported by the agency.

She described, among other things, that the prospects for a truce seem slim, as Hamas has repeated its demand to link the release of the hostages it is holding to an end to the war. But Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejects this. Like Burns, the Hamas delegation is also going to Qatar, where it will consult with its leadership.

Netanyahu reiterated on Sunday that Israel is “not capitulating” and “cannot accept” Hamas’ demands to end the war in Gaza. This was triggered by a terrorist attack by Hamas on Israeli territory on October 7 last year, during which 1,200 people died and 250 were taken hostage.

But according to Netanyahu, Israel is willing to suspend the fighting to secure the release of the hostages still being held by Hamas. According to estimates, their number probably exceeds 130.

The leader of the Palestinian movement Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, said in a statement that the movement is interested in reaching a comprehensive ceasefire that would end “Israeli aggression”, guarantee Israel’s withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and ensure the exchange of hostages. Massive Israeli bombing and ground operations have claimed more than 34,600 Palestinian lives since October, according to Hamas-controlled authorities.

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Today, French President Emmanuel Macron called on Netanyahu to “bring the peace talks to a successful conclusion, which could lead to the release of hostages, the protection of civilians through a ceasefire and regional de-escalation”, AFP reported. “France fully supports the ongoing mediation efforts. The fate of the Palestinians in Gaza can no longer be subordinated to the terrorist activities of Hamas, and Israeli operations must be stopped,” the Elysee Palace added.

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