CHILD PROTECTION – An albino, defender of the rights of young people

Giraldy Totozandry (center), appointed youth defender by Unicef, yesterday in Ambodivona.

Tianarivelo Gilardy Totozandry, a 20-year-old albino, was named Youth Advocate of Unicef ​​Madagascar for the protection of the rights of people with albinism and living with a disability. A signing ceremony of the collaboration agreement took place yesterday at the Radisson Blu Ambodivona. The young man aims to defend the rights of people with albinism and living with a disability. With this title, Tianarivelo Gilardy Totozandry will continue to raise his voice for children, especially those with special needs, and to defend their rights, whether it is the right to protection, health, education or the participation.

“As a Youth advocate, I am personally committed to raising the voice of children and young people with albinism and living with a disability, to raising awareness among those around us, whether at school or community level, about the rights that we can claim. Despite everything, we remain human beings, and as young people, we are the future of this nation. I will use all the means available to me and necessary to achieve these objectives, with the support of Unicef ​​and the authorities concerned,” declared Tianarivelo Gilardy Totozandry, Youth Advocate of Unicef ​​Madagascar. Children with physical disabilities attended yesterday’s ceremony.

In Madagascar, “children’s rights are often violated. If we only consider the right to education, how many of them go to school? The right to eat properly, how many children eat properly? How many are protected from imminent dangers like rape, because lately we often hear about rapes involving minors. However, Unicef ​​develops many programs on the protection of children’s rights, such as the distribution of school kits and food, as well as various awareness campaigns,” says Miorahasina Lorah Randrianiaina (Lorah Gasy), human rights defender. child within Unicef ​​Madagascar.

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“As a child, I was the victim of teasing, insults and nicknames such as ‘spawn of a ghost’. The reactions of those around me hurt me at the time, but over time, I ended up adapting to this situation. I didn’t have many friends, I often stayed alone, but my parents, family and friends always supported me. This allowed me to continue moving forward, until I reached the point where I am today,” says the Youth Advocate.

Thank you Ida

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