CHP leader will make a phone call during the private holiday

#CHP #leader #phone #call #private #holiday

WALL – CHP Chairman Özgür said that President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan did not call him after the special election and stated that he would call Erdoğan himself during the holiday period.

Participating in the Yeni Bir Sabah program with İsmail Küçükkaya on Halk TV, Özel emphasized that CHP won the districts where Erdoğan lived, such as Beyoğlu, Keçiören and Üsküdar, in this election.

Özel said:

GÖKAN ZEYBEK SAID ’32-33 PERCENT’: We were expecting such success. We may not have won a district that we did not expect, but with such a big difference proportionally, it turned our satisfaction into a great happiness for us. For the first time after 1977, our party became the first party. In my congress speech, I said that CHP correctly read both the winds blowing in the world and the realities of Turkey in the 1970s, positioned itself correctly, pursued self-confident politics, and emerged as the first party in 2 local and 2 general elections in the 1970s. As I said this, something went through my mind. If there had been some time, we would have come out on top in the first local, but now I was feeling a little difficult. Then we came and started working. When the candidate selection processes were completed and we took to the field, I had the hope of being the first party in this field. They started saying this everywhere. When Tayyip Bey came to this square, he could not fill it halfway. So and so leader came and first they set up the stage, then they dismantled it and turned it into a closed meeting. Everywhere we went started to be crowded. In the first MYK, Gökan Zeybek, our deputy chairman responsible for local governments. I asked for your guess. He does good calculations. ’32-33 percent,’ he said. I said, ‘If we become the first party with 33 votes, we will be’. He said, ‘It depends on the AKP’s situation and participation rate.’ I asked every time. When our press consultant Meriç accurately predicted the outcome of the congress, I kept asking him about the local elections, and he said 32 and above. Finally I asked, Meriç said again, ‘We won’t go below 32, sir.’ We were saying that with 32-33, it may be the second batch with a small difference, but if it happens, it will be the first batch. But we came out first with 38.

THEY DO NOT MAKE THEIR GOVERNMENT Speak, BUT THEY DO WHAT IS NECESSARY EVEN IF THE STATE IS AGAINST THEM: (Answer to the question “How did you win?”) By doing many things right and staying away from some mistakes. Let me tell you the most basic, what I believe in, I will tell you the most essential. If the state and the nation compete, the nation wins. As CHP is a founding party, we established the state. This is something to be very proud of. We boast, and we have the right to boast. But the founding will reflex sometimes pushes the CHP’s daily administrators to always be on the side of the state, thanks to the founding will of the past. When you are on the side of the state, sometimes you cannot be on the side of the nation. We also have this fact. In this country, people love the state. They join the military upon the order of the state and risk sacrificing their lives. They do not let their state speak ill of them, but they do what is necessary even if the state opposes them. Because nations establish states. But states cannot establish nations, nations have their own existence. The nation establishes and changes the state, changes its constitution and changes its ruler. The nation wants to rule the state, they want their elected officials to rule. When the state tries to rule the nation, it resists. Example 1983 Kenan Evren said, “You will choose this person with military background.” He gave direction to the nation. Özal came with a great shock. Özal was also surprised, but the nation had won in the state-nation competition. I give an example. It is very controversial. While I was studying pharmacy at Ege University, the headscarf ban came. They tried to prevent our friend from entering the laboratory. I am the one who started the protest in favor of headscarf. I said, ‘You cannot wear the hijab, if our friend does not attend the class, I will not attend the class either.’ I was one of the most successful students in the class. I am one of the 4 people who finished school in 4 years. I have always been a leftist, always a social democrat. Now we all left the laboratory together, they say ‘if our friends enter, there is a fire burning there, the headscarf will catch fire, it is dangerous.’ And they tell such lies. When they took them in, that’s when we went in. Our time didn’t last very long. I went to support the hijab protests in front of Ege University. There were people from all walks of life there. There were Grup Yorum members, there were us, there were right-wing friends too. Do you know what was happening that day? The state was interfering with what people wore. The state and the nation came face to face that day. In fact, the apparatus called the state is a headscarf for universities. Well, while male students who do not cover their heads are allowed in, with the same political views, even keeping female students out just because of their headscarves is inequality between men and women. Besides, everyone who covers their head is a political Islamist, and everyone who covers their head is an enemy of the Republic. Who are you to decide this? She covered her head according to her belief. That day, for example, some CHP members. I was a CHP member that day too. That day, some CHP members mistakenly sided with the state. The one who was on the side of the nation and, for example, in the army houses where headscarved grandmothers were not allowed, should have gone and grabbed them by the throat, the one who gave those instructions in the army house there. Wrong positioning in the debate between state and nation. Let’s take July 15, for example. They called us and said, ‘Ataturkist officers are also behind this coup.’ Then I said, ‘May God curse them too.’ What more can I say? After attempting a coup.

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DID PRESIDENT RECEP TAYYIP ERDOĞAN CALL FOR THE CELEBRATION?: He didn’t call. Let me also say this. I waited for his call during the last election too. Since he did not call, I called all the leaders the following holiday. Starting from Devlet Bey. The group chairman who called me from AKP, I am currently the group chairman. I called him and said that I would like to call your chairman, but since he did not answer a congratulatory phone call, you called. I don’t say that, I’m your equal, I’m the chairman. Since you are the most senior person in the AKP who called me, I said that I am calling you on behalf of all AKP members during the holiday. Now the holiday is coming again, but we are now the first party, we used to be the second party. We are now the first party, we will be the first party until our nation makes a new decision at the ballot box. The advice given to the first party by Sheikh Edebali to his student who founded the Ottoman Empire. The one that starts with “O son” I always tell this to AKP members. It is given to the government, not to the opposition. If we are the first party, it is up to me to call Mr. President this holiday, I will call. Last Eid was that first party. I had election success. It would have been appropriate for him to call, but since he didn’t call, I called the highest ranking person at their party who called me. This election, there is a need for normalization in politics. I will oppose him the harshest, but if you ask us to be proud of something CHP did during the Eid, CHP is the only party that was able to have an official celebration with all political parties last Eid. This is a very important thing. It is necessary to continue this. Now, as the leader of the first party, we are of a suitable age. He is also older than us. When you look at it as just two people, it’s up to us. It is the responsibility of the leader of the first party to do such work. I call this holiday, but we reach, but we don’t. Because from now on, it will provide municipal services to 65 percent of the population in Turkey, where 86 percent of the economic distribution is located, and will do this for 5 years. Early elections can be made by the decision of the Parliament, but according to the Constitution, municipal elections are held for 5 years, unless very special conditions arise. That’s why we will serve here for 5 years. Moreover, Mr. Erdoğan may not have voted at the same time as us, but he is a voter who expects service from us. We manage Yenimahalle. We now manage Istanbul Üsküdar. We manage Kasımpaşa, where he was born and raised. We took Beyoğlu. Here we bought Keçiören, where his house used to be. We are now homeowners everywhere. So it’s up to us. Thinking that it will contribute to the opening of future dialogue channels, we hope to see you not only on the holidays. I will call Mr. Erdoğan, but whether he celebrates Eid or not, I don’t know that part. I will call him out of respect for all AKP members. Mr. Devlet did not call, but Mr. Devlet called after my congress success. I called him after his congress to get well soon. Mr. Devlet does not miss such things. Erkan Akçay called me by the way.

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