“Commentary of the incident,” tv broadcasts a recording of the final contact with the Raiche helicopter.

#Commentary #incident #tv #broadcasts #recording #contact #Raiche #helicopter

Television broadcast a roughly 12-minute report titled “Description of the Incident.”

Posted: May 27, 2024: 1:26 AM GST
Last replace: May 27, 2024: 1:33 AM GST

Iranian state TV as we speak broadcast the final cellphone name between Energy Minister Ali Akbar Mehrabian and Taher Mostafawi, the pilot who flew the late President Ebrahim Raisi’s helicopter, earlier than it crashed final Sunday. In northwestern Iran.

In a primary try and counter contradictory accounts given by Iranian authorities concerning the downing of a serious helicopter, tv broadcast a roughly 12-minute report titled “Description of the Incident.”

According to the video, Mehrabian known as the pilot of the presidential aircraft, and Ayatollah Muhammad Ali Al Hashem, the consultant of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei in Tabriz, who was on the presidential aircraft, responded.

Mehrabian tells him in dialog. “Can you hear me? Where are the others?”

However, there is no such thing as a proof that any dialog passed off on the opposite finish of the decision, and the video solely exhibits Mehrabian speaking to somebody.

Days after the helicopter crash, Gholam Hossein Esmaili, the top of Ibrahim Raisi’s workplace, claimed on a TV program that he had known as Al-Hashim a number of instances.

Questions stay in regards to the huge helicopter crash and his failure to return by land to town of Tabriz, the middle of jap Azerbaijan province.

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