Construction for King’s Day Emmen has started: ‘Safety first’

#Construction #Kings #Day #Emmen #started #Safety

“The contours are slowly becoming visible this week,” says center manager Laurens Meijer as he peers over the Raadhuisplein. The crowd barriers are queuing up to be installed, the outside of the Atlas theater is being sprayed clean and the last lawn on the Raadhuisplein is being mowed.

Emmen is preparing for King’s Day and that means a busy week for the center manager. “This morning there was a sign at the parking garage that shouldn’t have been there yet. But other than that everything is going smoothly,” says Meijer, who is really looking forward to Saturday. “You will never experience this again, at least not like this,” he looks ahead.

Meijer’s role during this construction phase is specifically: “That the center remains accessible and easily accessible to consumers. That people can simply go to the shop or café despite the logistical challenges.” And that’s where traffic controller Patrick Urosevic comes into the picture, who has to divert traffic at the entrance to the center on the north side. “A lot of people want to go into the center, but that is not possible right now.”

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