Discord plans to add advertising very soon on its platform

#Discord #plans #add #advertising #platform

Discord’s change of plans regarding introducing advertising on your platform It has been surprising for many users. Previously, in 2021, CEO Jason Citron had stated that they had no intention of implementing advertising to maintain user convenience. However, It seems that the strategies have evolved since then.

Discord’s decision to consider introducing advertising may be driven by several factors. They may be looking for new ways to generate income to support the continued growth of the platform and meet the demands of investors and shareholders.

When will the announcements arrive?

According to The Wall Street Journal, These announcements would arrive next week and would be designed to give visibility to game publishers and developers. And they would be implemented in a way that does not significantly disrupt the user experience.

The “Sponsored Quests”, as they are called, would offer rewards to users for completing challenges while continuing to use Discord on a regular basis. These ads could appear discreetly in the corner of the screen, integrating naturally into the overall platform experience.

However, there are still unknowns about how exactly these announcements will be implemented. For example, It is unknown if the remove ads feature will be available to all users or if it will be exclusive to those who pay for the Discord Nitro subscription.

Ads are an unprecedented strategy for Discord

The introduction of ads on Discord could raise concerns among users, especially those who value the platform. Although Discord has seen success with its Discord Nitro subscription, which generated $600 million last year, Adding ads could affect user trust and provoke the search for alternatives to voice chats.

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The dismissal of 17% of Discord’s staff at the beginning of the year also has raised questions about the company’s direction and their plans for the future. Although Jason Citron stated that the layoffs were intended to improve project productivity, more news about the future of the platform remains to be expected.

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