DN Direkt – Three surfers murdered in Mexico

#Direkt #surfers #murdered #Mexico

2024-05-04 13:03 Updated 06:56

Share Photo: Lars Lindqvist

A couple of hundred people have gathered for SD leader Jimmie Åkesson’s spring speech at Långholmen in Stockholm on Saturday. The party has “My Europe builds walls” as its slogan, a travesty of Stefan Löfvén’s “My Europe doesn’t build walls” during the refugee crisis.

Jimmie Åkesson praises Ukraine for its fight against Russia, and believes that aid should be redirected there.

He also criticizes the introduction of the new gender identity law, and then moves on to immigration policy.

SD is the guarantor of a stricter immigration policy, he believes.

– Adapt or move, it’s not more difficult than that, he says and receives applause.

The meeting is the kick-off of the EU election campaign, and Åkesson believes that SD is the only party that takes care of Sweden’s interests in the EU.

– Every people has the right to be master of their own house.

SD goes to the polls on reducing migration, building walls and fences.

– If you go to Europe, the possibility of getting aid should be zero, zero, zero.

Åkesson believes that the EU should work to close mosques with anti-democratic ideas.

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Also Read:  Israel has severed hyperlinks between the Spanish consulate in Jerusalem and Palestine.

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