“Dr. Yong” warns that the virus is transmitted by ticks. Fleas in dogs and cats Symptoms similar to dengue fever

#Yong #warns #virus #transmitted #ticks #Fleas #dogs #cats #Symptoms #similar #dengue #fever

Prof. Dr. Yong, Head of the Center of Specialization in Clinical Virology Describes diseases caused by viruses carried by ticks and fleas in dogs and cats. Symptoms are similar to dengue fever. Very high fever and low platelets

Today (April 2) Facebook “Yong Poovorawan” or Prof. Dr. Yong Poovorawan, head of the center specialized in clinical virology. Department of Pediatrics Faculty of Medicine Chulalongkorn University posted a message about High fever and low platelets Symptoms similar to dengue fever But not dengue fever, stating that Severe Fever with Thrombocytopenic Syndrome is a high fever and low platelets.

Most are diagnosed with dengue fever. or a group of diseases carried by insects But in reality, high fever and low blood platelets The report from our center is the first to report in full detail. Including deciphering the genetic code of the virus that causes this disease in 3 patients in Bangkok. and the eastern region of Thailand and also found more patients in the northeastern region and believed to be commonly found in Thailand

The disease is called Severe Fever with Thrombocytopenic Syndrome. The disease is more common in China, Korea, and Japan. It is said to be carried by ticks. especially deer ticks or animals in livestock

For Thailand, our team has reported in detail. and conducted a wide-ranging study Found in many regions of Thailand. The disease is caused by a virus that is carried by ticks, fleas, or mites of dogs and cats, and is believed to be present in rodents as well.

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Symptoms include a very high fever and low platelets. The symptoms are very similar to dengue fever. But the fever can last for weeks. Most are not diagnosed because there is no common test method. In case of doubt, the center is happy to provide advice and examination. According to rights and expenses of Chulalongkorn Hospital

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