eggs, a serious avenue for reducing risks

#eggs #avenue #reducing #risks

Eggs, a staple food for many, are regularly in the dock. Sometimes praised for their nutritional qualities, sometimes criticized for their cholesterol content, they rarely leave anyone indifferent. A large study, recently published in the Annals of Translational Medicine, sifted through the available scientific data to try to sort out the fact from the false on the links between eggs and health.

An unexpected protective effect against hypertension and stroke

Among the most surprising results of this meta-analysis, we note that the consumption of eggs would actually be beneficial in preventing hypertension and cerebrovascular accidents (CVA). A conclusion which goes against preconceived ideas and which could lead to changes in nutritional recommendations.

Eggs and cancers: worrying associations

However, all is not rosy in the world of eggs. The study also found worrying links between high egg consumption and an increased risk of certain cancers, including ovarian cancer and gastrointestinal neoplasms.

Results which encourage vigilance, even if other risk factors come into play.

Diabetes and cardiovascular diseases: the vagueness persists

For other pathologies such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, researchers have encountered contradictory results. Some studies suggest a negative impact of eggs, while others show no effect or even a protective effect.

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An observation which highlights the complexity of the interactions between food and health, and the difficulty of establishing cause and effect links.

Scientific evidence to be strengthened

Beyond the specific results for each disease, this meta-analysis also highlighted the limits of current knowledge. For many health criteria studied, the quality of scientific evidence appeared average or even low.

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An observation which calls for new research, larger and more rigorous, to confirm or refute the associations observed.

Ultimately, this study does not claim to close the debate on eggs and health, but it provides valuable insight by comparing the available data. While some results are reassuring, others call for caution.

While awaiting additional work, moderation remains essential. Eggs have their place in a balanced diet, but without excess.

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