“El Akademia Masterclass”, a project for sharing experiences between young Moroccan talents and foreign artists

The “El Akademia Masterclass” project aims to be a cultural space to create a human, artistic and professional exchange between young Moroccan talents and confirmed foreign artists, said, Thursday in Rabat, the Franco-Moroccan artist Monia Rizkallah, first chef attack at the Berlin Opera and initiator of this project.

“This is a project dedicated to Moroccan youth and it is colleagues from the Berlin Opera who come to Morocco to share their knowledge and know-how with young people from 12 Moroccan cities”, confided to MAP this violinist on the sidelines of the general rehearsals held at the Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco in Rabat, ahead of the concert scheduled for July 20 at the Mohammed V National Theater as part of the 7th edition of “El Akademia Masterclass”.
In addition to Moroccan artists, these masterclasses notably welcome musicians from Turkey, Argentina, Germany and Spain.

The 7th edition of “El Akademia Masterclass”, which will be organized from July 12 to 25, promises a festive program for music lovers in the capital but also in Meknes and Ifrane where it will stop.
“This project was founded in 2017 in Rabat and we subsequently had a residency in Fez”, she insisted, adding that this edition is “very special since we have the pleasure of collaborating for the first time with the Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco”.

Regarding programming, this edition will also be marked by the participation of the artist Mohamed Briouel and his Andalusian ensemble as well as the Youth Symphony Orchestra of Morocco, she said.
This edition provides for a residency at the Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco in Rabat, then in Meknes and Ifrane from July 21.

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“El Akademia Masterclass” aims to be the innovative link between the academic learning of Moroccan music conservatories and the essential development to integrate professional orchestras.

Placed under the honorary presidency of Her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Meryem, this edition, which benefits from the support of several partners, will bring together some forty young musicians, including some twenty soldiers from the Royal Guard, the Royal Gendarmerie and Royal Air Force.

These young musicians will perform in a chamber music concert on July 17 in Kenitra, on July 18 at the Kingdom Academy in Rabat, and in three major concerts of the National Youth Orchestra of Morocco (ONJM), indicate the organizers, noting that these free concerts will take place on July 20 at the Mohammed V National Theater in Rabat, on July 22 outdoors in Meknes and on July 24 outdoors in Ifrane. The detailed program of the “El Akademia Masterclass” project can be found on the website “www.elakademia.com”.

Founder and president-director of the “El Akademia Masterclass” project, Monia Rizkallah has a deep attachment to Morocco. A violinist, her artistic career knows no borders, thanks to a multiculturalism that she transmits through music with multiple accents, sensitive and cohesive.

She made her debut in France with an exceptional career that took her to Warsaw and Berlin to become the first attack conductor at the Berlin Opera. Since then, she has participated in the greatest international orchestras and collaborated with famous opera singers.

In 2019, she received the Moroccans of the World Trophy, in the Arts and Culture category. A year later, she included the 150 portraits of women in the book “The Time of Free Women”. In 2021, it is one of the 35 stories of immigration and engagement in the book “Deutsch-Marokkanische Lebenswege” (German-Moroccan Ways of Life). This year, she was named “artist of the year” in Morocco and won the Orion Maroc music prize.

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