ELECTORAL PROCESS – KMF/CNOE calls for respect for political ethics

A call to return to reason. This is the content of the statement made by the National Election Observation Committee (KMF/CNOE) yesterday, asking candidates, entities responsible for preparing the elections and state officials to respect laws and ethics throughout of the electoral process. According to the declaration, the aim is to ensure legislative elections with the greatest transparency. The KMF/CNOE insists on prohibiting the use of public property and fraudulent maneuvers to influence voters’ votes. “Only election materials are permitted by law to be distributed during the election campaign period,” the statement said.

On the other hand, the CNOE also appeals to voting citizens to carefully choose their representatives during the legislative elections, which are local elections. According to the declaration, the Independent National Electoral Commission (Ceni) and the High Constitutional Court (HCC) must remain neutral in their functions, without giving in to the influence of politicians and political parties.

Ravo Andriantsalama

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