Facts about the euthanasia of the former Dutch PM and his wife who died holding hands

#Facts #euthanasia #Dutch #wife #died #holding #hands


NOTE: This information is not intended to inspire anyone to commit medical suicide. If you have suicidal thoughts, immediately seek help by contacting the nearest psychologist or psychiatrist. If you or someone you know experiences warning signs of suicide, immediately call the Ministry of Health’s Mental Health Hotline 021-500-454.

Former Dutch Prime Minister (PM) Dries Van Agt and his wife, Eugenie, died by lethal injection or what is called euthanasia.

The two, who are both 93 years old, decided to die together Monday (5/2/2024) at their home in Nijmegen, in a procedure that is controversial but legal in the Netherlands.

It was reported that the two of them held hands when they breathed their last breath. The deaths of the two were revealed Friday (9/2), by The Rights Forum, a human rights organization founded by Van Agt.

“He died holding hands with his beloved wife Eugenie van Agt-Krekelberg, their mutual support and life together for more than 70 years, and the person he continued to call ‘my girl’,” read the organization’s statement, quoted by the New York Post.

Van Agt and Wife’s Health Condition Before Death

The health condition of Van Agt and his wife continued to decline for some time, before they chose to die together.

Van Agt, who was PM of the Netherlands from 1977 to 1982, reportedly suffered a brain hemorrhage in 2019, while giving a speech at an awards ceremony for the Palestinian people.

Since experiencing this condition, he has never recovered. According to the Director of The Rights Forum, Gerard Jonkman, Van Agt and his wife are very sick, but cannot live without each other.

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The Dutch PM’s loyalty to his wife was also witnessed by many people close to him. The first leader of the Christian Democrat Appeal party almost never spent a single day contacting his wife, even his contact name was ‘my girl’.

This is what then made the two of them decide to choose euthanasia injection together. Their deaths are also seen as part of a growing “duo euthanasia” trend in the Netherlands.

Duo euthanasia, or two people receiving an injection together simultaneously, is still very rare in the Netherlands.

What is Euthanasia?

Euthanasia is the act of intentionally ending someone’s life to relieve their suffering. Euthanasia can be carried out in certain cases, for example for people with terminal illnesses that cannot be cured or for patients who are in pain and whose medical condition can no longer be treated.

Quoted from the University of Missouri, the word “euthanasia” comes from the Greek words “eu” which means good and “Thanatos” which means death. The idea was that instead of condemning someone to a slow, painful, or undignified death, euthanasia would allow the patient to experience a “relatively good death.”

NEXT: Types of Euthanasia


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