find out if you can claim the energy check in 2024

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The recent announcement concerning the 2024 energy check raises many questions, particularly from retirees, who are wondering about their eligibility for this valuable aid.

Intended to support low-income households in paying their energy bills, this year’s energy check promises aid of up to 277 euros. The distribution of this financial support will begin on Tuesday, April 2, following a detailed schedule that was recently revealed. This measure is part of a broader approach aimed at reducing the burden of energy costs on the tightest budgets.

Read also:

  • Energy Check: find out if you should request it or wait for it to arrive by mail
  • Agirc-Arrco: 10% increase for 400,000 retirees from April 1
  • Energy check: Be careful, after March 31 you lose 677 euros
  • How the 2024 Energy Check works

    The energy check is a government initiative designed to help low-income households cover part of their their energy expenditure. Its particularity lies in the fact that it is automatically allocated to eligible beneficiaries, without any action being required on their part. Eligibility criteria are primarily based on household income, with specific brackets defining the amount awarded.

    Urgent check 277 euros: In a few days it will be too late, here’s how to get it

    Distribution Schedule and Areas Concerned

    The distribution of the energy check follows a precise schedule, established according to the departments. This planning allows for staggered and organized distribution of the check, ensuring that beneficiaries receive their assistance within the expected time frame. From the Centre-Val de Loire region to the overseas departments, via Île-de-France and Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, the calendar covers the entire national territory, guaranteeing aid equitable and broad-based.

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    Eligibility Criteria and Scale

    Eligibility to the energy check is based on the household’s reference tax income (RFR), with specific thresholds defining the amounts allocated. These criteria are designed to target assistance to households most in need of support to meet their energy costs. Income thresholds are adjusted to reflect the composition and specific needs of each household, thus ensuring personalized and targeted assistance.

    Use of the Energy Check

    The energy check can be used to pay for a variety of energy expenses, including electricity, gas, and even wood. Its use is, however, limited to domestic energy expenditure, excluding the purchase of fuel. This allows assistance to be concentrated on expenses essential to the comfort and well-being of eligible households.

    Eligibility of Retirees and New Beneficiaries

    Retirees, like other households meeting the eligibility criteria, are entitled to the energy check. This measure underlines the government’s commitment to supporting all categories of the population facing difficulties in paying their energy bills. In addition, residents of nursing homes also benefit from this assistance, demonstrating a desire to include dependent elderly people in the circle of beneficiaries.

    Support and Resources Available

    For any questions or need for assistance regarding the energy check, a dedicated service is available. This helpdesk, accessible by telephone or email, offers free and easily accessible support, including from overseas or a mobile phone. This resource is essential to ensure that all potential beneficiaries can get the information and help they need to fully benefit from this support measure.

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