Foreigners pay 10 thousand each. euros to receive these services only in Lithuania

#Foreigners #pay #thousand #euros #receive #services #Lithuania

However, at least more and more foreigners are choosing private treatment in Lithuania.

He waited two years for the operation

Anyone who has friends or relatives living abroad knows that when they return to Lithuania, they or their children often visit local doctors – at least they get their teeth fixed.

However, more and more often abroad, Lithuania is also known as a medical tourism country.

This is very recently in the United Kingdom the story of Karen Rogers, who suffered from arthritis, was widely discussed in the media.

The woman waited two years for hip surgery through the UK’s NHS.

When it looked as though the necessary procedures would be performed, they were canceled at the last moment without any explanation given to the patient.

Unsatisfied with such a situation and her deteriorating health, the woman began to look for someone in the United Kingdom who would perform the operation for her privately.

However, even the lowest price of such an operation was too high – 20 thousand. pounds sterling (23.2 thousand euros).

Then the woman began to look for where such an operation could be performed abroad. And that’s how he discovered Lithuania.

Will fly to Lithuania for another operation

In one of the private medical institutions in Kaunas, Birželios 23-ioisios str., where, by the way, doctors from state clinics also work, she had hip surgery for 8.5 thousand. pounds (9.87 thousand euros).

“The saddest thing is that I had to wait so long to have surgery on my right hip that I developed problems with my left hip – so much so that now it needs surgery too.

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So I will return to Lithuania in August for the second operation”, K. Rogers is quoted by the local media.

It is interesting that the Kaunas clinic, which she named, has not even translated its website into Lithuanian.

You can read about clinics, Lithuania, its doctors and medical institutions only in English, Russian, Spanish, Italian, Swedish.

“Lithuania has world-class surgeons and clinics, and the same medical treatment is three or more times cheaper than in Western countries.

Lithuania is easy to reach. It has three international airports with direct flights from the United Kingdom, Ireland, Scandinavia and other countries”, – residents of Kaunas promote the advantages of our country to patients from abroad.

They also emphasize that those who want to have surgery do not have to wait in any queues.

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