From the chainsaw to stand-up at the Libertad Foundation: Javier Milei’s mockery and the reactions to his speech | The President again celebrated the adjustment

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Layoffs in SMEs are getting worse

In four months, 17,000 formal jobs were lost in SMEs, Industriales Pymes Argentinos (IPA) anticipated. Between March and April, this trend worsened and will continue in May, with textiles being the most affected sector, according to the entity. The current context is reminiscent of other recessions that Argentina experienced and the effects were very difficult to reverse: “Only in 2006 did the unemployment rate return to levels below double digits, after the convertibility crisis,” they warn.

Only this week there were layoffs in electromechanical, automotive, textile, food, commerce companies, and also in the public sector. From IPA they will accompany the workers in the mobilization of May 1st.

Between November and February, 16,870 jobs were lost in industrial SMEs, a trend that accelerated between March and April due to the prospect of an economic crisis that will last over time. This was reported by the IPA Observatory and this is, according to Daniel Rosato, its president, the logical corollary of a process that they had been warning about: “As the recession deepens, in February there were suspensions that intensified in March, in April already We see companies that closed or operate at 30 percent of installed capacity, and in May the layoffs will begin.”

The government also obtained an opinion for the fiscal package

Two hours after giving its opinion to the Bases Law project, the plenary session of the Deputies’ commissions gave its opinion tax package. The text, officially called “Project of Palliative and Relevant Fiscal Measures” includes the reversal of the Income Tax, changes to the monotax and Personal Assetsin addition to a new money laundering and a tax moratorium.

The national government does not send funds for the salaries of the Bonaerense

The government of the province of Buenos Aires warned that Javier Milei’s administration “is not sending funds” that correspond to the payment of salaries and infrastructure maintenance of the Buenos Aires Police, which could lead to discontent in the force.

The person who made known the alert situation that is one step away from passing through the provincial security force was the head of that portfolio, Javier Alonso, who warned of the problems that the continuity of an adjustment of this type would entail.

“If we defund Security, the people of Buenos Aires will be more vulnerable,” said the Axel Kicillof administration official.

They claim that Milei “instigated crimes”

Former federal judge Eduardo Freiler joined the request for impeachment to President Javier Milei, after The president said in his speech at the Llao Llao Forum that “he who escapes is a hero”. “It is an apology for crime,” said the former cameraman.

In dialogue with AM750, Freiler also stated that the president’s statements “constitute an instigation to commit crimes, precisely because of the context in which it was said.”

“There were around 150 big businessmen with many powers to be able to flee money. Let us remember that in the Government of (Mauricio) Macri, 85 billion dollars escaped and many estimate that there are 450 billion dollars abroad that escaped from Argentina, when 92% of those are in black,” he noted.

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Money leak: they claim that Milei “instigated crimes”

Former federal judge Eduardo Freiler joined the request for impeachment to President Javier Milei, after The president said in his speech at the Llao Llao Forum that “he who escapes is a hero”. “It is an apology for crime,” said the former cameraman.

In dialogue with AM750, Freiler also stated that the president’s statements “constitute an instigation to commit crimes, precisely because of the context in which it was said.”

“There were around 150 big businessmen with many powers to be able to flee money. Let us remember that in the Government of (Mauricio) Macri, 85 billion dollars escaped and many estimate that there are 450 billion dollars abroad that escaped from Argentina, when 92% of those are in black,” he noted.

“The IMF had defined that in the Macri Government one of the problems regarding the monetary base was the flight of money. Beyond the crime it may be, it conspires against a possible economic improvement in obtaining a new loan from the IMF,” warned the former judge

The ruling party obtained the opinion to discuss the new Omnibus Law

Today the ruling party managed to issue a majority opinion to the draft Law of Bases and Starting Points for the Freedom of Argentines, the initiative presented by the government of President Javier Milei to advance modifications in economic, financial, labor and social areas.

After 3:30 p.m., La Libertad Avanza had garnered 61 signatures, among the deputies of La Libertad Avanza, the PRO and a majority sector of the UCR and We Make the Federal Coalition (HCF).

Now the guns aim to achieve the half sanction in the session scheduled for Monday, April 29 and Tuesday, April 30.

In the plenary session of the General Legislation, Budget and Finance, and Constitutional Affairs commissions, Unión por la Patria and the Left Front presented rejection opinions.

Within HCF, the five deputies of the Civic Coalition signed their own minority opinion, as did the two socialists from Santa Fe (Mónica Fein and Esteban Paulón) and Margarita Stolbizer.

Myriam Bregman to the ruling party: “They are afraid because something began to change”

The deputy of the Left Front (FIT) Myriam Bregman assured that the Government “is afraid” because “something began to change” after the massive Federal University March.

“They want to do it very quickly, so that it doesn’t show that they want to privatize and launder money from evaders and drug traffickers,” he said in the plenary session of commissions where the ruling party seeks to obtain an opinion to discuss the new version of the Omnibus Law next week.

Likewise, he pointed out against the complicit opposition that stated that it will support the Government’s project despite the fact that “they do not know the text.” “Suckers, never,” the representative differed and called for a march next week so that Congress rejects the law.

The Government had to back down with the privatization of Banco Nación

The ruling party and the friendly opposition reached an agreement to discuss the new version of the Omnibus Law in committees. However, the national government was forced to reverse the privatization of Banco Nación and removed it from the list of state companies that they want to auction off. In addition, they put tobacco taxes back into the text.

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Opponents promote a Pact for Democracy

Opponents of the Government of President Javier Milei will meet to call for a Pact for Democracy. It will be next Saturday at 9 at Piedras 1080, in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of San Telmo: there leaders from different groups and political spaces will launch the First Forum for a New Political and Economic Democracy.

Some of the names that will be in the game are the former Chief of Staff Agustín Rossi; the former Argentine ambassador to Spain Ricardo Alfonsín; the national deputy Daniel Arroyo; the representative of the Renewal Front Malena Galmarini; the dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the UBA, Ana Arias; the Buenos Aires Government Minister, Carlos Bianco; and the leader of Libres del Sur Silvia Saravia; among others.

“A group of political leaders from various spaces, we have taken the initiative to build a permanent forum that reaffirms the democratic values ​​that best guarantee freedom and non-violent development, of the essential and necessary struggles to achieve a better life together. The climate of anti-political violence questions these values ​​and puts democratic life at risk,” the organizers noted.

And they expanded: “The Government tends to criminalize political activity, emptying its sense of community and solidarity, in a context of deep and prolonged crisis. It threatens our coexistence.”

The debate over the Basic Law

Adorni celebrated the beginning of the legislative debate on the Bases Law and said that “there are a lot of points that are on the way to returning freedom to Argentines to recover economic activity as quickly as possible.”

“Let’s hope that today is the beginning of a long story ahead that in the future will make all Argentines feel proud of how we have taken the country out of the most absolute misery,” said the presidential spokesperson and added: “The efforts pass and What remains are the ideas. And the Government of President Milei is one of those that will surely remain in the history books for having laid the foundations of development for a different Argentina.”

The Government promises “chainsaw forever”

The Government does not stop celebrating the reduction of expenses. In line with what Milei said amid ridicule at the LIbertad Foundation, presidential spokesperson Manuel Adornni said that what the President is doing “is just beginning” and that the plan “is for the weight of the State to be less and less.”

Cabinet meeting without Milei

In a key week for the Government, the Chief of Staff, Nicolás Posse, led a new meeting of ministers this morning, although without the presence of President Javier Milei.

This is the first after the massive university march on Tuesday and on the eve of the plenary session of commissions that will debate the Base Law.

Although the president arrived at Casa Rosada at 8:30, the meeting started without him sitting at the head of the table. Who did join is the Secretary of Legal and Technical, Karina Milei, sister and right-hand woman of the president and the most influential official of the libertarian administration: she was one of the first to arrive.

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Harsh response from Alberto Fernández to Milei

Alberto Fernández responded in harsh terms to Javier Milei, who in his speech at the Libertad Foundation treated him as a “puppet.” In his reply, which also included a good dose of irony, the former president pointed out that his actions and reactions “are the result of reflection and not of psychological alterations” and told the current president: “My dog ​​does not advise me (and is alive)”.

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Melconian’s ironic response to Milei

Carlos Melconian, one of those mentioned last night by Milei at the Libertad Foundation, came to the crossroads with irony, but preferred not to argue with the President: “I like it better how Tarico imitates me,” said the economist and added: “I think that With a little more practice the President will succeed.”

Milei attacked in his speech against the economists who criticize him. “Perhaps out of ignorance or resentment they say that there is no stabilization plan. But then, how does inflation go down? “He pointed out and made a direct reference to Melconian: “There was one who said ‘fideos con tuco’… It is easier to throw dump trucks of manure than to recognize the mistake. If those who are murmuring ate the verse, I’m sorry… Life is like that.”

At that point Melconian was no longer in the auditorium because he had left for a television channel. “The most important thing in all this is to professionally ratify, as the Central Bank has done in Washington, that there are still no noodles and tuco. Fideos y tuco was a campaign initiative to say that there were no dollars to dollarize the economy,” Melconian explained today without arguing with Milei, whom he defined as a “friend” whom he has known for 20 years. “In my house I learned as a child that presidents are respected, so you have to help the president, not get involved in those things,” he stated.

Milei met again with Macri, celebrated the adjustment and denounced a “destabilization” plan

By Sebastián Cazón

The gala dinner organized by the Libertad Foundation once again brought together Javier Milei, Mauricio Macri and Patricia Bullrich in public. It was the first time that they were seen together since the electoral victory that brought the libertarian to the Casa Rosada. The appointment, however, was not what was expected. The President avoided sharing the rally with his associates and only appeared at the end to give his speech. From the lectern and more histrionic than usual, he celebrated the brutal fiscal adjustment, denounced that the opposition wants to “destabilize” him, mocked Axel Kicillof and Carlos Melconian, and once again attacked the deputies and senators. “Throw away the Bases law, do what you want,” he challenged them. Macri, for his part, gave a cold hug with the Minister of Security and praised the economic direction of the Government. “Our dear President is in an epic battle to recover freedoms,” he said.

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