Fuel, 2 billion euros stolen and we are still the ones who pay | Financial police catches non-existent invoices

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Yet another expensive rip-off

Financial police catches tax fraud worth over 2 billion euros with non-existent invoices and an increase in prices that in the end guess who will pay?

The historical period we are living in leads us to check every little thing extra expense which we are forced to do per month and to avoid suffering a bloodletting we try in every way to save as much as possible. However, despite our countless efforts we always end up… being ripped off by third parties with theft and tax fraud.

One of the elements that most increases a driver’s budget is the gas and now there Financial police he discovered one tax fraud of over 2 billion eurosan unimaginable figure that weighs on the shoulders of us unaware consumers. A real low blow that shakes the confidence and desire to continue owning such an expensive object as the car.

In the fuel sector, every year we see 2 billion euros vanish, a tax fraud that groups together the excise duties (taxes on petrol and diesel) and theIva. The highest figures have been recorded between 2018 and 2020when the illicitly delivered fuels were 300 million liters per month. In other words, in that period there was a billion in excise duties plus a billion in VAT missing.

This is what was reported from the analysis of Roberto Alesseil president of the Customs Agency. A revelation indeed chilling which weighs heavily on the country’s budget and, therefore, on our shoulders. To steal all this money, the clandestine trade carried out by other European Union countries.

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How to cheat on fuel

Some states UE commerciano illegally energy products that have not been subjected to electronic tracking such as, for example, light, low viscosity lubricating oils. Until recently the crux of the fraud was that these products only needed one paper transport document to be able to travel between countries.

Paper documents are easily modified and/or ignored by controls and therefore these oils were transported undisturbed between states in a completely illegal manner. Fortunately, from October 2020 was introduced onE-Dasor the electronic accompanying document which must be used for the transport of all energy products.

Watch out for the imminent future

Green thinking could send everyone into the red

Alesse’s report ended with a warning about the great variety of biofuels and their relative impact on the final cost. Biofuels are fuels that are obtained from raw materials of agricultural origin and their advantage is that they come from these raw materials that are renewable and ecological.

The cost for mixing of organic fuels into fossil fuels is equal to five cents a litre but this price will increase according to the obligations related to the ecological transition. This will result in a disproportionate increase in illegal practices and, therefore, causing tax fraud Green attention to the environment is a blood-red bill for consumers.

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