Genderfluid man wins women’s race: dispute in Catalonia

#Genderfluid #man #wins #womens #race #dispute #Catalonia

Published5. February 2024, 04:33

Dispute in Catalonia: Genderfluid man wins women’s race – “felt feminine”

Quim Duran usually takes part in trail races in the men’s category. This time he registered as “Quima” – and won.


  • The runner Quim Duran took part in a trail race in Catalonia in the women’s category.

  • This caused trouble because Duran lives as a man in his everyday life.

  • The 48-year-old won the race and insisted on his prize. That didn’t help him in the end.

The victory of a trail runner causes outrage in Spain: Quim Duran took first place in the women’s category at the traditional “Cursa de NaDalt” race in Catalonia. His success is controversial because Duran usually enters races in the men’s category. But that day he claimed to be a genderfluid person. “In my everyday life, with my children, at home or with friends, I feel like a man, but in the mountains I feel female,” Duran’s statement was.

The 48-year-old, who appears on social media platforms with men’s names, has entered the list of female runners as “Quima Duran”, reports the Spanish sports newspaper “Marca”. In the past, the athlete from Barcelona always took part in long-distance races in the men’s category. Duran confessed to the portal “La Razón” that he had registered for the “Cursa de NaDalt” in the women’s category because the men’s list was already full.

“I’m not an opportunist”

When Duran appeared at the award ceremony, he was wearing a pink hairband and had makeup on, witnesses reported. The runners protested and also demanded recognition for their performance. “We were surprised because nothing like this had ever happened to us before,” say the race organizers. At the end, Duran received his prize to the boos of the audience: a ham.

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The 48-year-old athlete made it clear to “Marca”: He is not an opportunist. “Some even claimed that I was a mediocre runner and that it was the only way to win. That’s really not the case. The people who know me know that.” He won several races in the men’s category. «I am almost always on the podium. I don’t have to play a woman to win.” At the “Cursa de NaDalt” the men’s category was won by 19-year-old Ïu Net Puig.

Victory revoked again

Although the race took place last December 26th, Spanish media are only now reporting on it. The athlete waited weeks for the sports association’s final decision. Duran is also registered there as a man. According to the Spanish transgender law, it is actually the case that self-declaration is sufficient to change one’s gender entry – but that didn’t help Duran here.

Because it is the sports associations that have to regulate competitions. The organizers of the “Cursa de NaDalt” went over the books and published the final list of winners on Friday. Now in first place is 22-year-old runner Laia Montoya.

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