Going to Japan, beware of the “measles outbreak.” The Royal Thai Consulate-General in Osaka has issued an announcement to inform Thai people.

#Japan #beware #measles #outbreak #Royal #Thai #ConsulateGeneral #Osaka #issued #announcement #inform #Thai #people

March 18, 2024 – The Royal Thai Consulate-General in Osaka has issued an announcement to inform Thai people. and tourists Beware of epidemics in Japan. Currently, there is an outbreak of “measles” in the Kansai region.

As Osaka City has issued a warning about the spread of measles, the Royal Thai Consulate-General in Osaka would like to inform the Thai community as follows.

1. Japan has been able to eradicate measles within the country since 2015. However, on March 1, 2024, Japanese officials found that There were passengers on Etihad Airways flight EY 830 from Abu Dhabi to Osaka on February 24, 2024 who were infected. Therefore, a warning has been issued to passengers on the said flight. Travelers to Kansai Airport Nankai Electric Railway passengers and those using the Super Center TRIAL Rinku Town Store on the said day. Monitor yourself if you have symptoms such as “fever higher than 39 degrees, cough, runny nose and rash. Please see a doctor immediately, wear a mask and avoid using public transportation.”

2. Recently, Osaka City confirmed that there were 2 people infected with measles in the province, and Japanese media reported a total of 8 people infected with measles in Japan, both in the Kansai region and other regions such as Osaka City, Prefecture. Kyoto, Aichi Prefecture, Gifu Prefecture and Tokyo This shows that the epidemic is starting to expand over time.

In 2016, there was an outbreak of the disease in Japan, with 744 people infected, and in severe cases May result in death. But it can be prevented by getting a complete vaccination.

3. The Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health provides measles information that In general, Symptoms will occur within 14 days after being infected as follows:

👉(1) Symptoms of fever In the initial stages, symptoms will be similar to those of the flu. They are often hot and may have a fever as high as 40 degrees. The fever will begin about 10-12 days after being infected. In addition, the patient also has a runny nose, frequent coughing, sore throat, red, greasy eyes, and small white red bumps. Centered up in the cheek.

👉(2) Rash symptoms on the body When the patient has had symptoms for 3-5 days, a rash will appear on the body. which resembles an itchy rash on the skin A red or reddish-brown rash appears first on the forehead. Then gradually spread to the face and neck. Within 3 days, a rash will spread to the hands and feet. This rash appears for 3-5 days and then disappears on its own. (See more information at https://ddc.moph.go.th/disease_detail.php?d=75)

4. Royal Thai Consulate-General It is recommended that Thai citizens wear masks while using public transportation or in public places. Always maintain hygiene, especially washing hands. Observe your own symptoms and see a doctor to receive advice on receiving the vaccine or receive treatment when symptoms appear as well

Measles is

“Respiratory tract infections The patient will develop a rash on the skin along with a fever. Measles is caused by a virus from the paramyxovirus group. (Paramyxovirus) can be infected and transmitted through the air or direct contact with the mucus and saliva of a sick person.”

“The virus enters through the respiratory system before spreading throughout the body. Measles is considered a human-to-human disease. No such infection was found in animals. Most often occurs in young children. It is also one of the causes of death of children even though there is a vaccine.”

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 134,200 people have died from measles worldwide, which is approximately 367 deaths per day, or 15 per hour. Most of which are children under 5 years of age. As for the measles situation in Thailand According to the report of the Bureau of Epidemiology The Ministry of Public Health in 2012-2013 found that there were a total of 5,207 people and 2,646 people infected with measles each year, respectively, with children aged 9 months – 7 years being the age group with the most cases of this disease. Accounting for 37.03 and 25.85 percent of each year, there were also patients under 9 months of age. In 2012, 19 people were found and in 2013, 9 people were found.

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🦠 Symptoms of measles

🔻In general Symptoms of the disease will occur within 14 days after exposure to the virus as follows:

🔻Symptoms of fever People who are initially infected with measles will have flu-like symptoms. They are often hot and may have a fever as high as 40 degrees Celsius. The fever will begin approximately 10-12 days after being infected. In addition, the patient also has a runny nose, frequent coughing, sore throat, red, greasy eyes, and throat bumps. (Koplik Spots) or red bumps with a small white center on the cheek.

🔻 Rash symptoms on the body When the patient has had symptoms for 3-5 days, a rash will appear on the body. which resembles an itchy rash on the skin A red or reddish-brown rash appears first on the forehead. Then gradually spread to the face and neck. Within 3 days, a rash will spread to the hands and feet. This rash appears for 3-5 days and then disappears on its own.

🦠Causes of measles

🔺Measles is considered a contagious disease with a high chance of infection. Infection occurs through exposure to the virus through the air. From contact with saliva droplets, saliva, and mucus of a patient, which the 4 days before and after the rash appears is considered the period of transmission of the disease.

🔺The virus enters through the respiratory system and spreads throughout the body. Makes people sick with measles. 90 percent of people who haven’t been vaccinated against measles are likely to get measles if they’re near someone who has the disease.

🔺There are many groups of people at risk of contracting the measles virus. In general, Children who do not receive immunizations are at risk of developing such diseases. and has the highest chance of severe complications and death

🔺Children who do not receive adequate vitamin A nutrients are at high risk of severe complications and death.

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🔺Pregnant women who are not vaccinated and are infected may be at risk of miscarriage or premature birth. As for those with weakened immune systems due to compromised immunity, such as patients infected with HIV and AIDS. Including those who are malnourished. Will become severely ill with measles when infected.

🦠 Diagnosis of measles

🔻The doctor will diagnose measles if the patient also has a rash and fever. And the rash that appears on the skin looks like measles. (Morbilliform Exanthem) or not, as well as considering other symptoms that indicate measles, including coughing, runny nose, sore throat, red, wet eyes, and bluish-white throat bumps that appear on the inside of the cheek. The doctor may also draw blood to confirm that it is. Measles or not?

🦠 Measles prevention

🔺Measles can be prevented if children receive the measles vaccine (Measles Vaccine) as scheduled.

🔺Vaccines used for prevention are vaccines. Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccine (MMR), which is a vaccine that protects against measles (Measles), mumps (Mumps) and rubella (Rubella).

🔺Infants can receive the first vaccine when they are 9-12 months old and receive the next vaccine when they are 4-6 years old.

🔺For children, teenagers and adults who do not have immunity. You can receive 2 shots of the vaccine, spacing each round of vaccination at least 28 days apart.

🔺Receiving the vaccine against this disease can also cause side effects, with 15 percent of vaccinated children developing a fever 6-12 days after receiving the vaccine, and another 5 percent of children developing a rash similar to the disease. Measles and disappears on its own

🔺Vaccines can cause serious side effects, such as seizures, deafness, brain damage, and unconsciousness. But such cases are rare. Some parents also believe that the measles vaccine causes autism in children, but many studies have proven that autism is not involved. with the body’s immune system in any way

🔺There is also a vaccine. Measles-Mumps-Rubella-Varicella Vaccine (MMRV), which not only protects against all 3 diseases like the MMR vaccine, but also protects against chickenpox. Children aged 12 months – 12 years can receive this vaccine.

🔺Receiving this vaccine has limitations for some groups of people. At-risk groups who should not receive the measles vaccine include pregnant women, children with tuberculosis, leukemia, and other types of cancer who have not received treatment. People with a weak immune system and children with a history of severe allergic reaction to gelatin or the antibiotic neomycin (Neomycin). 👉 If such a risk group has been exposed to the measles virus, they can inject an antibody or protein substance called Immune globulin (Immunoglobulin) to prevent illness. which must be injected within 6 days after being infected


🦠Treatment of measles

👉Although there is no drug or medical method that has been identified that can specifically treat and eliminate the measles virus.

“Patients can take care of themselves to make their symptoms subside by drinking 6-8 glasses of water per day and getting enough rest to strengthen the body’s immune system. Stay in a dry, comfortable temperature to reduce frequent coughs and sore throats.

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🔻And may provide extra vitamin A to the body. Most patients improve within 2 weeks.

🔻However, your doctor may prescribe non-aspirin fever reducing drugs such as ibuprofen and paracetamol. (Paracetamol) to help reduce fever and relieve muscle pain.

🔻In addition, measles patients who begin to develop a rash should stay indoors. Do not go to school, work, or meet other people in public for at least 4 days after the rash appears to prevent spreading the infection to others around you.

🔻If infants, children, people with tuberculosis, cancer, or other diseases that weaken the immune system are exposed to the measles virus. You should immediately see a doctor to receive close care. Importantly, children under 12 years old who are infected with the virus should not take aspirin to reduce fever. This is because children may develop an allergic reaction to drugs called Reye’s Syndrome, which causes swelling of the liver and brain. When such symptoms occur The child will vomit immediately, become tired, lose interest in the surroundings. Speak or do things that are different from before and are often bedridden. If the liver and brain are continually damaged, the child will become confused, dizzy, gasp for breath, show aggressive behavior, have seizures, and lose consciousness. If diagnosed and treated promptly, You may be able to recover from your symptoms safely.

🦠Complications of measles

Complications of measles usually occur in infants under 1 year of age, in children who are malnourished and have weakened immune systems. to teenagers and adults who are in poor health The complications are as follows.

Common complications include:

👉 Diarrhea and vomiting This will lead to dehydration.

middle ear infection causing the patient to feel pain in the ears

eye infection Causes red, watery eyes.

Inflammation of the larynx (Laryngitis)

Pneumonia, bronchitis, or respiratory inflammatory disease (Croup) is caused by an infection in the respiratory system and lungs.

Complications that occur but are not common


👉 Strabismus if the virus affects the nervous system and eye muscles.

👉Meningitis or encephalitis Caused by an infection in the meninges or brain.

Very rare complications


👉Caused by an infection in the optic nerve. Causes optic neuritis (Optic Neuritis) and leads to vision loss.

Heart and nervous system problems

👉Complications that cause brain abnormalities (Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis: SSPE) are classified as very rare cases. This condition occurs in 1 in 25,000 people.

👉In the case of pregnant women who do not have immunity to measles and are infected with the virus, there is a risk of miscarriage or fetal death and premature birth. The mother will give birth before the 37th week of pregnancy. The baby may have a low birth weight.

✅ However, patients can avoid some complications if they eat a good, nutritious diet and drink enough water. Doctors recommend treating dehydration, a complication of measles, by sipping water mixed with Oral Rehydration Salt powder to relieve such symptoms. For eye, ear and respiratory infections, antibiotics can be treated.

Thank you from the source: Department of Disease Control, Royal Thai Consulate-General in Osaka.

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