Hamas Accepts Israel’s Official Response Regarding Ceasefire

#Hamas #Accepts #Israels #Official #Response #Ceasefire

Khalil al-Hayya, Hamas negotiator in an interview with The Associated Press, in Istanbul, Turkey, Wednesday 24 April 2024.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, ISTANBUL — The Palestinian resistance group Hamas on Saturday (27/4/2024) announced that it had received Israel’s official response regarding the proposed hostage exchange and ceasefire. The response was sent to Egypt and Qatar on April 13, 2024.

“Hamas has received Israel’s official response to the group’s proposal sent to Egyptian and Qatari mediators on April 13,” said Khalil al-Hayya, the group’s deputy head in the Gaza Strip.

He is also head of the Office of Arab and Islamic Relations. “Hamas will study this proposal, and once completed, will provide a response to the mediator,” said Hayya, Saturday (27/4/2024).

Israel’s response coincided with the visit of an Egyptian security delegation to Tel Aviv on Friday (26/4/2024) to discuss the possibility of ceasefire in Gaza between Israel and the Palestinian group Hamas, according to Egyptian and Israeli media.

Private television station Al Qahera News TV quoted an unnamed Egyptian source as saying the delegation would discuss a comprehensive ceasefire framework. The station also said there had been significant progress in narrowing the differences between the Egyptian and Israeli delegations.

Meanwhile, the Israeli Public Broadcasting Corporation reported security services believe this is the last chance to repatriate the hostages from Gaza. Israeli news site Ynet also ensured that the Egyptian delegation came to Israel to meet with relevant officials in an effort to reach an agreement.

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Hamas demands that Israel stop deadly attacks on the Gaza Strip and withdraw troops from the area. Tel Aviv believes there are 134 Israelis held captive in Gaza, while Israel holds around 9,000 Palestinians in its prisons.

Israel has caused more than 34,300 Palestinian deaths since Hamas’ cross-border attack on October 7, 2023, which killed 1,200 Israelis and captured around 250 others.

A previous agreement in November 2023 resulted in the release of 81 Israelis and 24 foreigners in exchange for the release of 240 Palestinians, including 71 women and 169 children.

The United States, Qatar and Egypt are trying to broker a deal to free Israelis still being held hostage.

Meanwhile, global calls for a ceasefire are increasing as the war enters its seventh month.

source: Between

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