Haut-Katanga: organizations intensify efforts to fight cholera in Lubumbashi

#HautKatanga #organizations #intensify #efforts #fight #cholera #Lubumbashi

The cholera epidemic has been occurring in the Haut-Katanga province since the end of last January. To provide an adequate response, certain health organizations, including the WHO, informed this Friday, February 16 of their participation in the fight against this bacterial infection disease in the city Lubumbashi.

For its part, the main UN agency which deals with health issues revealed a total resurgence of the disease in all 4 health zones in the city of Lubumbashi. The organization reassured of the arrival of sprays against “vibrio cholerae”, the main bacteria of this pathology.

“Faced with the continuing cholera epidemic in Lubumbashi, the World Health Organization is intensifying its support by installing tents to improve the reception capacity of the treatment unit in the Kisanga area. Sprayers are also provided to the 3 other affected areas,” communicates the UN agency.

According to the provincial health minister of Haut-Katanga, the contamination has already affected several regions, including Kisanga, Lukafu, Kampemba, Vangu, Kilela Balanda, Likasi, Mumbunda and Katuba.

Cholera remains an acute intestinal-diarrheal disease with very rapid contamination via the oral route. To effectively prevent any contamination due to bacteria, of which humans and aquatic environments conducive to the proliferation of algae (phytoplankton) are the main reservoirs and agents, it is strongly recommended by doctors to wash your hands frequently with soap, avoid uncovered food along the street, do not eat raw or half-cooked meat, drink treated water and maintain good sanitation. At this time, the Lubumbashi public health laboratory continues to register some cases.

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Jean Marie Makuma

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