Here the police lose their weapon at Ica Maxi in Gävle

#police #lose #weapon #Ica #Maxi #Gävle

Published 2024-04-01 17.36



The civil police lost their weapon in the middle of the lunch rush at Ica Maxi in Gävle.

Several witnesses reacted and raised the alarm.

– From our side, it is nothing that we will investigate because no wrongdoing has been committed, says Pelle Vamstad at the police in Region Mitt.

At lunchtime today, a woman accidentally dropped a weapon on the floor at Ica Maxi in Gävle.

The woman was in civilian clothes and several witnesses in the store saw the incident. A witness states that she became worried and raised the alarm to the store staff.

The proceedings were also captured on film. In the camera, you can see how the woman reaches for something in her pocket, but reaches for the weapon, which then falls to the floor. After that, she quickly picks it up again and then goes in between some store shelves.

The police were also quickly alerted to the incident.

The explanation: Stuck in the shirt

– It is a civilian police officer on duty who lost his weapon. She was probably going to buy lunch. Her shirt got stuck in the holster and then she accidentally dropped the weapon, says Pelle Vamstad, spokesperson for police region Mitt.

Furthermore, he says that it is an accident. In the surveillance video, you can also see how another civil police officer approaches the woman.

– From our side, it is nothing that we will investigate because no wrongdoing has been committed. Then of course it is inappropriate to lose your weapon, but it is not a violation of the rules, says Pelle Vamstad.

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Furthermore, he says that the incident did not pose any risk to the public in the store.

– If you drop a Glock, it cannot fire a shot, he says.


full screen Stock image. Ica Maxi store in another part of the country. Photo: Carolina Byrmo

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