How many liters of water should we drink per day?

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Above all, you must keep in mind that water is not the only possible source of hydration. According to the Mayo Clinicthe requirements of a healthy adult in a temperate climate would be 3.7 liters of fluids for a man and 2.7 liters for a woman.

This equates to 15.5 glasses of fluids daily for men and 11.5 for women.

“These recommendations cover liquids from water, other beverages and food. About 20% of daily fluid intake typically comes from food and the rest from drinks,” the Mayo Clinic states on its website.

If we’re talking strictly about cash, the Government of Canada advises drink about two liters of fluid daily for adults and two liters of water every day for children. This recommendation therefore does not include foods rich in water such as fruits and vegetables.

However, needs vary greatly from one person to another depending on many factors such as level of physical activity, health and ambient temperature.

The Canada’s Food Guide also advises opting for water to hydrate and limiting the consumption of drinks with added sugar or added salt. However, it may be possible to opt for unsweetened carbonated water, plain milk, coffee, tea and herbal tea.

Listen to his needs

Several signs can help us know if we are consuming enough fluids during our day. As soon as you feel thirsty, you are already a little dehydrated.

In addition to drinking as soon as thirst arises, the color of our urine can also give us a good indicator of our hydration. Clear, pale yellow urine tells you that you are drinking enough, unlike dark yellow urine. the Mayo Clinic.

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To ensure you drink enough, we recommend drinking a glass of water with meals and between meals, during physical exercise and when you feel thirsty.

Avoid dehydration

There are several signs that may indicate that we should increase our fluid intake during the day.

Feeling thirsty, dark yellow urine with a strong odor, dry lips, dizziness and fainting are some of them, warns the Canadian government.

A study published in the National Library of Medicine even noted impacts of mild dehydration on mood. “Degraded mood, increased perception of task difficulty, decreased concentration and headache symptoms resulted from 1.36% dehydration,” we conclude.

Water, essential for our body

Our body weight is approximately 50% to 70% water. Its benefits are multiple and essential to our survival.

According to a report from The Harvard Medical Schooladequate water consumption helps eliminate waste through urination, sweating and stools, maintains a normal temperature, lubricates and cushions joints and protects sensitive tissues.

The amount of water to drink daily is not the only myth surrounding this precious drink. If you drink a lot of it to have good skin, you may be disappointed. Unfortunately, these benefits are more of a myth and do not make it onto the list of its positive impacts. The National Institute of Health recalls that few scientific sources tend to demonstrate benefits on the skin linked to optimal hydration.

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