HUGE TRAGEDY Three small CHILDREN lost their mother Eva (†34)! Jonáško is still just a baby: Now there is a danger that they will stay on the STREET

#HUGE #TRAGEDY #small #CHILDREN #lost #mother #Eva #Jonáško #baby #danger #stay #STREET

Source: FB/Police SR – Trnava Region,

TRNAVA – Vladimír (40), who suddenly lost his beloved wife and mother of three children, Eva († 34), has been experiencing immense grief and hopelessness for almost a month. She lost her life in a tragic accident between Trnava and Ružindol. According to the police, a BMW should have collided head-on with the car in which she, one-month-old Jonáško and her mother were sitting.

Big plans and dreams turned into a never-ending nightmare. On the fateful day in March, Eva, a mother of three, was riding in a car with her youngest son, Jonášek, who was only one month old, and his mother (67). “According to initial information, the 30-year-old driver of a BMW should have collided head-on with an oncoming Nissan for reasons that have not yet been determined. After the impact, the BMW ended up off the road and overturned on its side.” the police described the accident.

The BMW driver was airlifted to the hospital. Miraculously nothing happened to little Jonášek, but grandmother Gitka and young mother Eva suffered injuries. The worst news came later from the hospital, that the driver had succumbed to her injuries.

A tragic accident between Trnava and Ružindol resulted in the death of the mother. Source: Facebook/Police SR – Trnava region
A tragic accident between Trnava and Ružindol resulted in the death of the mother. Source: Facebook/Police SR – Trnava region
A tragic accident between Trnava and Ružindol resulted in the death of the mother. Source: Facebook/Police SR – Trnava region

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From that moment on, the family’s life changed beyond recognition. Vladimir was left alone to take care of three small children. “Their father had to leave work and stay at home with Jonášek. In addition to him, he has two older boys who attend elementary and kindergarten.“said v collections Eva’s sister Zuzka. The oldest, Leo, is 7 years old, and the preschooler, Max, is 4 years old.

They are in danger of losing their house

However, the tragic fate of the family does not end with the loss of the beloved wife and mother. Vladimír, who is currently on maternity leave, has to pay the mortgage in addition to everything else. “Just before Christmas, they moved into a new house, which they were supposed to enjoy together. However, fate arranged it differently and the family found themselves in a terrible life situation. Dad only stayed at home on maternity leave, and all the care of the house and children remained with him.” writes Zuzka.

It will be difficult to repay the maternity mortgage. That’s why he’s asking the public for help. “In this way, we would like to ask for help, if you can, please help. It won’t replace their mother, but let’s help them cope with this difficult life situation in which the children and their father find themselves.” You can help the family by making a contribution through the Donio portal.

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