Index – Science – What do women benefit from divorce?

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It’s also at home experiencedt that divorce liberates women, but men are more mentally vulnerable after a breakup and find it more difficult to cope with the void left behind. Yet they do not turn to a specialist. An American study also proved that a permanent and official breakup is good for women. Divorce is much more common and accepted today than it was a few decades ago, 55 percent of Americans he thinksthat people stay in bad marriages longer than they should.

It can also be liberating

Divorce, even with children, can be a positive event if it happens under the right circumstances. Paul R. Amato, a sociologist at Penn State University, studies the quality of marriages and divorce. More than twenty years ago, he wrote about the consequences of divorce for parents and children, that divorce can result in happiness for many parties. The reason for this is mainly women’s new autonomy, private development, increased self-confidence, stronger control over their own lives. Career opportunities for divorced mothers have also multiplied. Their social life improved, they became happier.

In the past, studies primarily examined the negative consequences of divorce, although many positive effects can also be demonstrated. Connie R. Wanberg, a professor at the University of Minnesota, co-authored the study on the relationship between divorce and work. Even though he has been researching the topic for quite a few years, he was shocked by how many people said that they performed better at work after the divorce!

According to a previous study by Kingston University in London, women were happier in the fifth year after divorce than at any time before. They are liberated, and usually they do not go through the divorce procedure alone, they have supportive relationships and friends, they do not turn to alcohol, like many men. But of course, for a long time, this did not change the fact that

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divorce fell into the failure category, even if the marriage was unhappy.

Today, the stigma and condemnation of divorce is not so common, many people are living in their second or third marriage, but a few decades ago, divorce was still seen as an extremely harmful process that had a destructive effect on children. Today, psychologists think that divorce does not necessarily have to be horrible, but mothers who divorce with small children are still stigmatized by society, since in every culture the mother must prioritize the needs of the family over her own.

In our country too went It is written by The New York Times bestselling author Esther Perel Affair, or rethink infidelity in his book that

home, marriage and motherhood have always been the desires of most women, but this same space is where women no longer feel like women.

Perhaps this is why divorce can increase a woman’s libido. Sexologist Tammy Nelson says women whose libidos were low during marriage often experience sexual liberation after divorce. In other words, they didn’t lose their sexual interest even in marriage, only the given person, who unfortunately happened to be their husband, no longer excited them. A 2018 study of middle-aged straight, bisexual, and trans divorcees found that while some of the women regretted the end of their marriages, the divorce pushed them out of their comfort zones and liberated them sexually.

Free mothers

In the case of divorced mothers, American statistics showed that they had more free time, were able to concentrate better at work and – now comes the best part – spent less time on housework. If the right of custody is divided half to half, mothers can spend more time on their hobbies, friends, travel, and even on their adult children. Fathers, on the other hand, spend less time with their children, especially their grandsons, because the boys often blame the fathers for the divorce.

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Lyz Lenz a The New York Times its author goes straight to the point that divorce should be celebrated, for example, she burned her wedding dress so that it would not remind her of her aborted dreams. According to him, it should be celebrated for courage, self-awareness and prioritizing our own happiness. This is perhaps a bit of an extreme position, others emphasize that the important thing in a good divorce is that the ex-spouses respect each other, but the fact is that our culture lacks the rite of exit from marriage. Divorce is already a widespread social phenomenon all over the planet.

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