Investigation reveals NOK 265 million in the accounts of the Nigerian poverty minister

#Investigation #reveals #NOK #million #accounts #Nigerian #poverty #minister

Betta Edu is the Nigerian Minister of Humanitarian Affairs and Poverty Alleviation. She is now being investigated for corruption. Over NOK 265 million has been found in her personal accounts.

Betta Edu is being investigated in a corruption case. Photo: Screenshot from X

Published: 09/04/2024 21:46

Betta Edu was suspended in January. By then, local media had revealed documents allegedly showing Edu instructing a senior finance official to transfer public money to a personal account. The amount that was then found was NOK 6.8 million.

At this point, Edu denied that she had done anything wrong. She said the money was for “implementation of grants to vulnerable groups”.

Following this, President Bola Tinubu wanted a thorough investigation into the minister.

Nigerian President Bola Tinubu wanted a thorough investigation into the minister Betta Edu. Photo: Lewis Joly, AP/NTB

The Nigerian Financial Crimes Investigation Agency (EFCC) has been investigating the situation for six weeks. They have concluded that much needs to be investigated. The agency has found money in more than 50 accounts. The amount is over NOK 256 million, writes the BBC.

– As it is now, we are investigating over 50 bank accounts into which we have tracked money. It’s not child’s play, it’s a big deal. That is what Ola Olukoyede writes in the agency’s monthly e-magazine, EFCC Alert.

Edu is the youngest minister in Tinubu’s government and is seen as a close ally of the president. She is also the first in his government to be suspended. Such a suspension is unusual in Nigeria. Former President Muhammadu Buhari sacked only two ministers during his eight-year tenure.

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The head of the EFCC says the recovered funds have been returned to the government.

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