It leads to death! If you have these symptoms, go to the doctor immediately

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Headache is a very common health problem and occurs in different ways in many people. Tension-type headache and migraine attacks stand out as the most common subgroups of headaches. Kiss. Dr. Kerem Bıkmaz explained at what stage of the headache a doctor should be consulted. Here are the causes of headaches…

Some warning signals that come with a headache are actually It may be alarming for your health. You should definitely pay attention to some conditions that occur together with headache and apply to the hospital immediately.

Neurosurgery Specialist Op. Dr. Kerem Bıkmaz said that if your headaches prevent you from doing your routine activities at home or at work, if you think that the current pain is the most severe pain you have ever experienced, you should definitely consult a healthcare professional.


According to the news in Medyatava, chemical irregularities, diseases in the nerves and vessels in and around the brain, and genetic factors.

Factors that do not cause headache but activate predisposing factors are; stress, depression, certain foods and supplements, fasting or low blood sugar, alcohol and caffeine, change in sleep patterns, hormonal changes, changes in weather, pollens in the air, bright light and excessive noise.

Not all headaches are the same. There may be mild or unbearable pain, it may occur once a month or many times a day, the pain may affect one or both sides of the head, or it may last for an hour or for days. Just as headaches are different, the methods to get rid of them also vary.

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* Diseases of the eyes, ears, teeth or jaw

* Sinus infection

* Allergies

* Temporal arteritis- a disease that affects the arteries on the side of the head and is often seen in people over the age of 55.

* Glioma

* Stroke

* Aneurysm (Bubble)

* Brain abscess (infection)

* Meningitis (inflammation of the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord)

* A severe blow to the head


* Sudden and very severe pain

* If accompanied by visual impairment, confusion, loss of consciousness, numbness or similar changes

* If it wakes you up at night

* If it starts to become more frequent and severe

* If it started after a blow to the head

* If it is accompanied by fever and neck stiffness and/or follows a throat or respiratory tract infection

* If there are accompanying seizures

* If seen in children or the elderly

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