Know the consequences of the rotation and revolution times of the moon that occur simultaneously

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Illustration of the Consequences of the Moon’s Rotation and Revolution Times Occurring Simultaneously. Source: Pexels/Bruno ScramgnonJust like the earth and the planets on solar system On the other hand, the moon also has its own rotation and revolution period. The rotation and revolution times of the moon that occur simultaneously result in various phenomena that occur on earth.

One of the consequences is that the moon always displays the same side towards the earth. This phenomenon is known as gravitational binding caused by tidal effects.

Due to the Simultaneous Rotation and Revolution Times of the Moon

Illustration of the Consequences of the Moon’s Rotation and Revolution Times Occurring Simultaneously. Source: Pexels/David Besh Quoting the book Natural Sciences Class 6 Elementary School work of the Quadra Science Team (2007:77), every time moon carry out three movements simultaneously, namely rotation, revolution and together with the earth around the sun. The rotation and revolution times of the moon occur simultaneously, resulting in the surface of the moon facing the earth always being the same.

The result of the rotation and revolution times of the moon occurring simultaneously causes several interesting and important phenomena in the relationship between the earth and the moon. The following are some of the consequences that occur due to the rotation and revolution times of the moon simultaneously.

1. Equilateral rotation of the moon

Because the Moon’s rotation time around its axis of rotation is parallel to the Moon’s revolution time around the Earth, the Moon always shows the same side to the Earth. As a result, only one side of the Moon is visible from Earth at all times. The other side, called the “dark side” or “far side”, is not directly visible from Earth.

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2. Rotational Movement and Synchronous Revolution

This phenomenon is also called “gravitational pair binding”. Due to the Earth’s gravitational pull affecting the Moon, the Moon’s rotation time around its axis and the Moon’s revolution time around the Earth take place in the same period. This causes the Moon to appear fixed from the perspective of an observer on Earth.

3. Changes in the shape of the moon

Even though the Moon still shows the same side to Earth, we can still see variations in its appearance from Earth. This is caused by changes in the angle of the sun’s illumination as the Moon moves in its orbit around the Earth. Therefore, we can see the phases of the Moon such as full moon, crescent moon and quaternary moon.

4. Harmony of Earth-Moon Rotation

The harmonious rotation of the Moon and Earth provides stability to the Earth-Moon system and influences phenomena such as tides. The Moon’s gravity causes tides on Earth, where the water in the oceans rises and falls periodically due to the Moon’s gravitational pull and the centrifugal force caused by the Earth’s rotation.

5. Influence on Life on Earth

The phenomenon of synchronous rotation and revolution of the Moon has an important influence on life on Earth. For example, tides affect coastal ecosystems and fishing activities. In addition, the phases of the Moon are also used in agricultural and religious calendars.

That is an explanation of the effects of the moon’s rotation and revolution simultaneously. Thus, the timing of the moon’s rotation and revolution occurring simultaneously results in a series of interesting phenomena that influence the relationship between earth and its natural satellite, namely the moon. (BAI)

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