Marco: “Berman’s Ferrari debut was sensational” : F1LV Blog

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Red Bull consultant Helmut Marko believes that Oliver Behrmann is a special talent and the Ferrari team will now face a “headache” of what to do with such a good young driver.

Behrmann replaced Carlos Sainz, who underwent surgery for appendicitis, at the Saudi Arabian GP. The British pilot, having completed one training session, took the 11th position in the qualification. In the competition, the athlete demonstrated fast driving, made no mistakes, overtook and was also able to pick up the pace when necessary, finishing in seventh place.

“I think Berman’s Ferrari debut was sensational,” admits Marco. “Riding like that at a track like Jeddah, without much opportunity to practice beforehand, it was powerful. At times he rode on the same level as Charles Leclair. What will Ferrari do now? They have signed the very expensive Lewis Hamilton, Leclair is on a long-term contract and now they have the super-talented Behrmann. If I were Fred Vassour, I would immediately find him a place in another team like Haas. Now they will have to spend money to train Oliver again. The teams already have enough expenses at the moment, they will have to pay a lot for it.”

Marko says that especially talented pilots are able to show good performance immediately, as was the case with Berman. He also cites the Moto2 champion Pedro Acosta as an example, who even claimed the podium at the Qatar stage on Sunday in his MotoGP debut and was able to overtake the titleholder Marc Marquez.

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“Looking at Berman, also our Liam Lawson or Pedro Acosta – you can see what a special talent looks like,” says Marco. “Of course, nowadays all young drivers are already well prepared when they sit in the car. However, only those who are really good can show such performance from the very beginning. The way Acosta attacked Marquez was refreshing, just like Behrman’s performance in Saudi Arabia. That’s something we all want to see.”

While Sainz is likely to be in line for the next round in Australia, a decision on whether the Spaniard is ready to return to the track will only be made during race week. Berman will also travel with the team to Melbourne to start again if needed.

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