Maserati, the appeal of Alemanno, Giovanardi and De Maio: “Save the brand”

#Maserati #appeal #Alemanno #Giovanardi #Maio #Save #brand

This morning the “Modena Cambia” list, together with the Secretary of the Independence Movement Gianni Alemanno, the mayoral candidate Daniele Giovanardi and the list leader Beatrice De Maio, organized a demonstration in front of the Maserati headquarters to urge government intervention to save the historic brand of the Italian automotive industry. “The Meloni Government must put the Maserati case at the center of the open table with Stellantis, not only to defend jobs in danger, but as a strategic choice to save the automotive sector in Italy. Faced with Carlo Tavares’ clear intention to dismantle the factories in our country and downsize all the historic Italian brands, half measures only serve to prolong this agony by continuing to sacrifice enormous public resources. The Government, unless Stellantis radically rethinks its prospects in Italy, must work to build a new car production hub in Italy. Minister Urso has already said it: if Tavares does not guarantee the production of at least one and a half million cars in Italy, it is necessary to think of a new car manufacturer in Italy. But not by encouraging – as government sources say – the creation of industrial plants of foreign brands, which would end up making this sector in Italy even more fragile”, declared Gianni Alemanno, Secretary of the Independence Movement!

“We must instead aim to relaunch the historic luxury car brands with which the whole world identifies Italian production and which are the only ones that can remain competitive in the global market by maintaining production in our country, without continuing to bleed the Italian state coffers with continuous incentives, as has happened over the last fifty years in favor of the Fiat Group. This is why the Government must force Stellantis to cede the Maserati plants and brand to the State, as the first nucleus of a new luxury car hub in Italy , to be built with a precise industrial plan and with adequate international industrial alliances. The Government, if it wants, has all the tools to force Stellantis to take more lenient advice and to build a lasting industrial project to protect Made in Italy and Italian work. But to do this we must overcome the liberal ideological dogmas according to which the State cannot have a direct role in the promotion of Italy’s industrial heritage”, he continued.

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The mayoral candidate Daniele Giovanardi and the leader Beatrice De Maio of the “Modena Cambia” list declared:
“Our first commitment at the helm of the Municipality of Modena will be to defend the work and productive heritage of our City, today endangered by the dynamics of globalization which all the governments that have succeeded at the helm of our Nation have not able to give answers. In this context, the defense of the Maserati industrial and research center is a fundamental commitment for us that we will place at the center of all municipal policies. For this reason we are committed to strengthening all municipal services necessary for the proper functioning of production plants and the protection of workers’ rights, from transport, to roads, to access to service networks, up to welfare and the right to housing. But we are also committed to supporting all workers’ protests to obtain responses from the national and regional governments to the crisis in the automotive sector in Modena, asking to participate in the consultation tables where unions, employers and institutions discuss these problems. Together with this we will make Modena’s voice against the war heard, because as long as the government continues to send weapons to Ukraine there will be no resources available to relaunch Italian economic development.”

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