Megafon has already started the serialization of Meloni

#Megafon #started #serialization #Meloni

Compared to the fact that in 2021 Viktor Orbán was even able to miss the legendary European Championship match of the Hungarian national team in Munich in order to meet Giorgia Meloni, who was still in the opposition at the time, because he expected a far-right alliance from her, now that, as Italian Prime Minister, Meloni held a worried about an Italian woman

the Megaphone that was blaring the central messages immediately began to blaspheme. The editor-in-chief of the Megafon Center, Szilveszter Szarvas, already wrote on Wednesday about Meloni’s betrayal, according to which the Italian prime minister is “crying and crying”. Zsolt Bayer shared Szarvas’s thoughts on his blog, saying “yes, I’m sorry, but Sylveszter is right”. Dániel Bohár, who sometimes falsifies posts, also talked about “we lost Meloni”. Then, in the late afternoon, Dániel Deák’s totally independent thoughts were born, who spoke in his video about how

“Meloni also fell under the spell of the serial lobby”.

photo_camera Photo: Dániel Deák/Facebook

Dániel Deák also said the following sentence into the camera:

“It is sad to see that Giorgia Meloni, whose career was also approved by the Hungarian Prime Minister, has now accepted the Soros narrative without a word.”

photo_camera Girogia Meloni, president of the Italian Brotherhood, during his visit to Budapest in 2018 Photo: Gergely Botár / Prime Minister’s Press Office / MTI / MTVA

As prime minister, Meloni did not confront the European Union as Orbán did, he firmly stood by the support of Ukraine, and also withdrew from the One Belt, One Road initiative led by China. And Meloni would only allow Fidesz to enter the European Conservatives and Reformists party family if Orbán does not obstruct support for Ukraine.

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According to them, Viktor Orbán treated Giorgia Meloni in much the same way as he did with Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, whom he referred to as a German mother of seven children when she was elected, and now he considers her also a Soros man, as he told 444 in December:

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