Millionaire Virgil Chirică was found dead in his villa in Voluntari

#Millionaire #Virgil #Chirică #dead #villa #Voluntari

Millionaire Virgil Chirică, aged 46, business partner with Dan Șucu and Cristian Borcea in a real estate project in the Capital, was found dead in his villa in Voluntari, after committing suicide.

The Ilfov County Police Inspectorate says the businessman was found dead on February 4.

On February 4 this year, the Ilfov County Police Inspectorate was alerted to the fact that a male person was found dead in a home in the town of Voluntari.

The police officers of the Ilfov Criminal Investigation Service went to the scene to carry out the activities within their competence.

The deceased person has been identified, in question being a 46-year-old man.

The police officers of the Ilfov Criminal Investigation Service carry out investigations in the framework of a criminal investigation file, in terms of the commission of the crime of manslaughter, the criminal investigation being carried out under the supervision of the case prosecutor, from the Prosecutor’s Office attached to the Buftea Court”it is stated in the IPJ Ilfov press release.

According to Digi24 sources, the millionaire would have locked himself in the bathroom, where he lit the grill, and the carbon monoxide emitted by the coals killed him. Before exposing himself to carbon monoxide, he is also believed to have taken some pills.

Virgil Chirică allegedly attempted suicide 4 years ago.

A sheet on which the millionaire wrote: “I am already asleep” was also found in the house.

Virgil Chirică was a partner in a real estate project in the north of the Capital with Dan Șucu and, at the same time, he was director of the insurance division in a leasing company.

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Editor : D.C.

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