Mourning in Romanian Television: One of the most famous TV producers has died – Source news

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Unfortunately, Romanian Television is in mourning following the news of the passing away of Ioana Bogdan, the well-known filmmaker TV which brought joy to the homes of Romanians before the 90s.

One of the longest-lived television producers, Ioana Bogdan, passed away at the age of 81. The entire television community is in mourning, and one of the first to make known this sad event related to the late producer of Romanian Television is Nicu Alifantis, in a message posted on social networks.

“Ms. Ioana Bogdan, a particularly important personality of Romanian Television, has left us.

I owe him a lot and I have worked with him continuously since 1975. Thank you Ioana for everything, I will miss you very much.

May God rest in peace!”, is the message posted by Nicu Alifantis on his Facebook page.

Over 40 years at TVR

Becoming a true brand of Romanian Television, Ioana Bogdan went through almost all the stages of a career in television, starting from reporter and editor, to the producer of entertainment shows, including the famous New Year’s Eve of TVR, as well as the functions of producer and editor -boss.

The late producer’s career began alongside another reference name in Romanian television, Tudor Vornicu, collaborating on the production of famous shows in the 70s.

Ioana Bogdan’s track record includes shows such as “Magazine”, “Punct-Cotrapunct”, “Meridian”, all of which are examples of high-quality entertainment.

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